Editor’s Note: Sunshine Request makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.
01/24/19 Editor’s Note to Sender:
Sunshine Request is an anonymous tool – We do not ask our users to include identifying information in order for us to send in their request. We serve as a proxy between citizens and government, by submitting the requests on the sender’s behalf, and publishing all the steps and results of the request publicly on our site.
If the sender of this request would also prefer to have the request emailed to them from Asheville City Schools, we’d encourage you to reach out to them directly and ask for their assistance with the request.
The request we will be sending to Asheville City Schools is as follows:
Subject: Asheville City School certification
” 1. I would like to request the name and certification area for the physical education teacher hired for the current Asheville Primary position posting. I would like the certification area at time of hire and the date of hire.
2. I would like the certification areas of the leaving physical education teacher at time of hire for the same school… and the date of hire. It was posted in April 2017. I appreciate your time and response.”
You may keep track of the status of this request at any time, by visiting our website.
Thank You,
Sunshine Request