City of Asheville Submitted: September 11, 2018 | Updated: November 27, 2018
Asheville police mutual aid agreements
Hello City of Asheville,
I'd like to request all documents relating to mutual aid agreements between the Asheville Police Department and other municipalities. Specifically, I'd like to know whether police officers have been deployed under said agreements in the past three months (beginning July, 2018), and if so, to where, and when). Thank you so much!
Status: Completed
November 27, 2018 4:24 pm
6 years ago
from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
to: Terry White <[email protected]>
date: Nov 27, 2018, 4:24 PM
subject: Re: [Public Records Request] Records Request: Asheville police mutual aid agreementsTerry,
Thank you for your help with this request. We’ve marked it as complete on our site.
Sunshine Request
Status: Completed -
November 27, 2018 1:28 pm
6 years ago
from: Terry White <[email protected]>
to: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
date: Nov 27, 2018, 1:28 PM
subject: Re: [Public Records Request] Records Request: Asheville police mutual aid agreementsDear Sunshine Request:
The City of Asheville does not have records of the officers who work under the mutual aid agreements.
All best,
Status: Clarification Provided -
November 16, 2018 3:24 pm
6 years ago
from: Terry White <[email protected]>
to: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
date: Nov 16, 2018, 3:24 PM
subject: Re: [Public Records Request] Records Request: Asheville police mutual aid agreementsDear Sunshine Request:
I have asked that question but have not gotten an answer. I will follow up again.
Status: Clarification Provided -
November 16, 2018 3:19 pm
6 years ago
from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
to: Terry White <[email protected]>
date: Nov 16, 2018, 3:19 PM
subject: Re: [Public Records Request] Records Request: Asheville police mutual aid agreementsTerry,
Our apologies for not replying to this sooner! Everything is updated on our site. Any word on if the City has any record containing the names of officers who worked under the agreements?
Sunshine Request
Status: Clarification Requested -
November 2, 2018 2:36 pm
6 years ago
from: Terry White <[email protected]>
to: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
date: Nov 2, 2018, 2:36 PM
subject: Re: [Public Records Request] Records Request: Asheville police mutual aid agreementsDear Sunshine Request:
Here are the mutual aid agreements that are responsive to your request. I am still trying to determine if the City has any record containing the names officers who worked under the agreements. I will let you know as soon as I have that answer.
All best,
Terry**Editor’s Note: Please see referenced files at top left in documents
Status: Response Received from Government -
September 19, 2018 4:49 pm
6 years ago
from: Terry White <[email protected]>
to: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
date: Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 4:49 PM
subject: Re: [Public Records Request] Records Request: Asheville police mutual aid agreementsI have received your public record request and have forwarded it to the appropriate record custodian(s) for processing. Once processing is complete, I will send you any records responsive to your request. In the meantime, please let me know if you have other questions.
All best,
Terry White
Public Records Officer
City of Asheville
Status: Government Processing Request -
September 19, 2018 3:35 pm
6 years ago
from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
to: Public Records Request Inbox <[email protected]>
date: Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 3:35 PM
subject: Records Request: Asheville police mutual aid agreementsGood Afternoon City of Asheville,
We recently received another new request through our site at for information that may be available in your office.
Here are the details of the request:
Subject: “Asheville police mutual aid agreements”
“Hello City of Asheville,
I’d like to request all documents relating to mutual aid agreements between the Asheville Police Department and other municipalities. Specifically, I’d like to know whether police officers have been deployed under said agreements in the past three months (beginning July, 2018), and if so, to where, and when). Thank you so much!”
Thank you for your assistance.
Have a great afternoon!Sunshine Request
Status: Sent to Government -
September 11, 2018 10:09 pm
6 years ago
Submitted to Sunshine Request
Status: Pending