City of Asheville Submitted: March 4, 2018 | Updated: June 6, 2018
Buncombe County District Attorney Prosecution Statistics Request
Please provide the past 6 years (including January through March 2018) of prosecution statistics for the Buncombe County District Attorney's Office --
1. Total number of cases prosecuted
2. Cases prosecuted by specific type of crime and/or specific charge/s
3. Any and all public information on any cases the District Attorney's Office received from either APD or the Buncombe County Sheriff's Department that the District Attorney's Office declined to prosecute and any explanations the District Attorney's gave for declining if noted.
Please provide the requested information broken down by year-- 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018.
Thank you.
Status: Completed
June 6, 2018 3:52 pm
6 years ago
Related to the January 2018 request for a “List of the Buncombe County Jury heard court cases in the last 3 years”
We received a flash stick from NCCOURTS, but the info. contained on it is not in a very useable format. As we are a small team, it would take quite a bit of time for us to be able to extract and upload that information in a user friendly format. We cannot provide a timeline for when this would be complete, so at this point we will consider this request as “complete” on our site. But, as we have time, we’ll make efforts to possibly work on how it is formatted.
The overall file we received is called “01012013 – 12312017”. It contains a copy of the “ACIS Case Record Layout” document, as well as thirteen .zip folders. Although, we compressed the overall file, it is too large to be added to our site in its entirety – Additionally, each individual .zip file is also too large to be uploaded to our site. Therefore, we have uploaded each file onto a public Google Drive folder “Jury Verdicts” found at
For reference, the 14 files included at that link are:
ACIS Case Record Layout.xlsx
Status: Completed -
April 30, 2018 12:02 pm
6 years ago
**Editor’s Note: We have gotten the requested information back on the flash drive, however it’s not in a usable format and will take time for us to get it here on the site.
We believe that the information we’ve received satisfies this request, as well as a similar request found at
Status: -
April 11, 2018 1:17 pm
6 years ago
**Editor’s Note for requester: Sunshine Request has mailed a cashier’s check for the information detailed in this request, once we receive the flash drive with information we will upload it to our site.
Please note: we have spoken with Remote Public Access for NC Courts and have been told that information for the year 2018 will not available until the first week of July. If the requester would like to submit a new request closer to the time that information is available, please feel free to do so. Thank you!
Sunshine Request
Status: Sent to Government -
March 7, 2018 2:59 pm
6 years ago
See attached
Remote Public Access
North Carolina Judicial Branch
O 919-890-2220
F 919-890-1901**Editor’s note: Document is at top left in “documents” section.
Status: Clarification Provided -
March 7, 2018 2:51 pm
6 years ago
Thank you – We will send in the requested info via cashier’s check / mailed request when we’re able.
In the meantime, can you please send the referenced ACIS layout document?
Thank you for your help.
Sunshine Request
Status: Clarification Requested -
March 6, 2018 11:00 am
6 years ago
from: RPA <[email protected]>
to: “[email protected]” <[email protected]>
date: Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 11:00 AM
subject: RE: Public Records RequestThe North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts provides, for research purposes, a five-year statistical raw data extract of data from the statewide Automated Criminal/Infractions System (ACIS). The extract includes criminal and infractions data from 01/01/2013 – 12/31/2017 only and is provided on a flash drive.
The extracts include case information for any case based on at least one of the following dates falling within the previous five-year date range.
1. Date the case was originally created on the system.
2. Date the case was originally created in Superior.
3. Date the case was disposed in District.
4. Date the case was disposed in Superior Court.You will find the ACIS Case Record Layout attached so you can see the fields included in the extract.
If you are interested in this extract and want to receive it by mail, please mail a $17 cashier’s check made out to the N.C. Administrative Office of the Courts to the following address to cover the cost of the flash drive and mailing by certified mail.
N.C. Administrative Office of the Courts
Financial Services Division
Attn: Remote Public Access
901 Corporate Center Drive
Raleigh, NC 27607Please provide a physical address to which you want the flash drive mailed upon our receipt of the check.
If you prefer to pick up the flash drive at our building rather than having it mailed, the cost is $7. Please let us know your preference.
Remote Public Access
North Carolina Judicial Branch
O 919-890-2220
F 919-890-1901
Status: Response Received from Government -
March 5, 2018 6:19 pm
6 years ago
Form submitted via
Good Evening,
I work for a website called Sunshine Request We built a site that makes it easier to make public records requests by filling out a simple form, and the results of any requests are posted on our site. This allows citizens to learn more about our local government, while saving staff from having to fulfill duplicate requests. If you have any questions about the project, please let me know, and I’ll be happy to answer.
We recently received a request for information that both the Buncombe County DA’s office and Bunc. Co. Superior Clerk of Court, advise may be available via the Administrative Office of the Courts.
Here is the details sent by the requester –
Subject: Buncombe Count District Attorney Prosecution Statistics Request
Message: “Hello,
Please provide the past 6 years (including January through March 2018) of prosecution statistics for the Buncombe County District Attorney’s Office —
1. Total number of cases prosecuted
2. Cases prosecuted by specific type of crime and/or specific charge/s
3. Any and all public information on any cases the District Attorney’s Office received from either APD or the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Department that the District Attorney’s Office declined to prosecute and any explanations the District Attorney’s gave for declining if noted.
Please provide the requested information broken down by year– 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018.
Thank you.”
**Editor’s Note: This request should include the period of time from Jan. 01, 2012 – March 05, 2018.
Thank you very much for your assistance.
Have a great evening!Sunshine Request
Status: Sent to Government -
March 5, 2018 1:51 pm
6 years ago
from: Response Email <[email protected]>
to: [email protected]
date: Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 1:51 PM
subject: Response to Records RequestDear Sunshine Request,
We received the following records request from you on March 4, 2018:
Please provide the past 6 years (including January through March 2018) of prosecution statistics for the Buncombe County District Attorney’s Office —
1. Total number of cases prosecuted
2. Cases prosecuted by specific type of crime and/or specific charge/s
3. Any and all public information on any cases the District Attorney’s Office received from either APD or the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Department that the District Attorney’s Office declined to prosecute and any explanations the District Attorney’s gave for declining if noted.
Please provide the requested information broken down by year– 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018.
Thank you.”
Thank you very much for your assistance.
Have a great day!Sunshine Request
The response to your request is as follows:
As to items “1” and “2”, the DA’s Office is not in possession of records that are responsive to these requests; they may potentially be obtained from the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts. Item “3” is not a public record as per NC law under NCGS 132-1.4 as it is a record of criminal investigation.
Thank you,
District Attorney’s Office
**Editor’s Note: The referenced statute can be found at
Status: Response Received from Government -
March 5, 2018 8:11 am
6 years ago
from: Cogburn, Steven D. <[email protected]>
to: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>, “Williams, Todd M.” <[email protected]>
cc: “Kassi L. Day” <[email protected]>, “Michael C. Frue” <[email protected]>
date: Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 8:11 AMGood Morning.
The request that you have submitted is not within the clerk’s office. While we have numbers of files that can be looked at in our office during normal business hours we do not have the specific statistical analysis that you seek. Perhaps the Administrative Office of the Courts would have the data.
Steven Cogburn
Clerk of Superior Court
Buncombe County
North Carolina Judicial Branch
O 828-259-3400
F 828-259-3401
Status: Response Received from Government -
March 4, 2018 2:43 pm
6 years ago
from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
to: “Williams, Todd M.” <[email protected]>, “Cogburn, Steven D.”
<[email protected]>
cc: “Kassi L. Day” <[email protected]>, “Michael C. Frue” <[email protected]>
date: Sun, Mar 4, 2018 at 2:44 PM
subject: Records Request: Buncombe County District Attorney Prosecution StatisticsGood Afternoon Buncombe County Gov.
We just received another request via for information that may be available in one your offices!
Here are the details:
**Editor’s Note: Please note that the sender filled out a field on our site form indicating that the request should include the period of time from Jan. 01, 2012 – March 05, 2018.
Subject: Buncombe Count District Attorney Prosecution Statistics Request
Message: “Hello,Please provide the past 6 years (including January through March 2018) of prosecution statistics for the Buncombe County District Attorney’s Office —
1. Total number of cases prosecuted
2. Cases prosecuted by specific type of crime and/or specific charge/s
3. Any and all public information on any cases the District Attorney’s Office received from either APD or the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Department that the District Attorney’s Office declined to prosecute and any explanations the District Attorney’s gave for declining if noted.
Please provide the requested information broken down by year– 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018.
Thank you.”
Thank you very much for your assistance.
Have a great day!Sunshine Request
Status: Sent to Government -
March 4, 2018 7:44 pm
6 years ago
Submitted to Sunshine Request
Status: Pending