Editor’s Note: We have marked this new request for “Buncombe County Sheriff – Newly Created Positions vs Replacing departing employees” as “Complete”. We’ve closed this, and it will be merged as a “follow up” to the original request called Buncombe County Sheriff Department – Hires, Jobs, and Documents.
Please keep track of all updates and Editor’s Notes at that URL.
Thank you!
Sunshine Team
Other (indicate in message) Submitted: February 15, 2019 | Updated: February 15, 2019
Buncombe County Sheriff – Newly Created Positions vs Replacing departing employees
Thank you for providing the benefits information. Most of the other questions were not answered. The original request that was not answered could be reopened or this could be a new request.
1. New Hires since November 6, 2018 (Including: Title, FullTime/PartTime Designation, Employee Name, and Date of Hire or Start Date). No reply was offered.
2. Indicate what New Hires were hired to fill New Positions newly created in the Sheriff's Department since November 6, 2018. No reply was offered. Maybe is it easier to think of this as asking if new hired are in new positions versus are replacing departed employees and that will show how many new employees are on payroll plus the details requested.
3. Indicate what New Hires are filling positions that had existed and were previously staffed but were filled by New Hires since November 6, 2018. No reply was offerred. See above for explanation of the question.
The response from the government to the questions on date: Feb 12, 2019, 2:11 PM said-
Below is the employee name, title, hire date, full time/part time designation, and salary or hourly rate of new hires from 11/6/2018 to 1/26/2019.-
and nothing was below. Maybe this has already been put together but just wasnt' attached. The original request was https://www.sunshinerequest.com/records_request/buncombe-county-sheriff-department-hires-jobs-documents/
The reply says that the only qualifications for employment in any administrative position with the sheriff is to be fingerprinted/undergo a criminal background check in addition to taking a drug test. Please confirm that is what you meant to say. Sounds like a very open minded hiring system.
Thank you for taking another shot at this original request.
Status: Completed
February 15, 2019 5:57 pm
5 years ago
Submitted to Sunshine Request
Status: Pending