Editor’s Note: Sunshine Request makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.
Other (indicate in message) Submitted: December 6, 2023 | Updated: January 29, 2024
(December 2023) Request for Southwestern Community College, in NC: All credit card statements for all college credit cards used by the SCC President. From 01/01/2022 – present day.
Good Evening Lisa and Tyler (or SCC Records Officer / Custodians of these Records), Nan and Don CCed,
Please reply promptly to the following public records request, which I’m making in accordance with NC Public Records Law. https://www.ncleg.net/enactedlegislation/statutes/html/bychapter/chapter_132.html
** I’m simply requesting an electronic copy of an electronic record, if one exists. I’m NOT asking for the opportunity to come in person to "inspect", nor to obtain a printed copy of, this electronic record. I’m requesting explicitly that any responsive info be provided to me via the electronic medium / electronic format (in which the copy of this record should already exist). If you are unable to fulfill any or all parts of this request, please specifically cite where a reason for denial is justified under NC Public Records Law.**
Please provide the electronic copy of all monthly credit card statements for all “college credit cards” used by the President of Southwestern Community College. During the specific time period of January 01, 2022 through the present day [on the date the query is performed].
Please note that by submitting this request, I’m NOT agreeing to pay any potential fees or associated costs related to my request. If it isn’t possible to process the request without incurring fees, then please let me know the itemized potential cost and explanations for those charges upfront, and DO NOT proceed until I respond.
By Law I’m not required to provide a name or address to associate with a public records request, but in order to move things along I’d like to clarify that this request is being made by:
Sunshine Request
PO Box 17391
Asheville, NC 28816
The request has been sent solely by me and my email address [email protected] . If anyone other than that email address contacts you to pursue a similar request, it did not come from me. Please do not commingle or treat that as an alteration or cancellation of my request – I intend to continue to pursue my request.
Thank you for your assistance!
** Sunshine Request (www.sunshinerequest.com) makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.
Status: Completed
January 29, 2024 6:13 pm
1 year ago
from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
to: Lisa Kim Fisher <[email protected]>
cc: Tyler Goode <[email protected]>, Don Tomas <[email protected]>, Nan Coulter <[email protected]>, Bryan Singleton <[email protected]>
date: Jan 29, 2024, 6:13 PM
subject: Re: Public Records Request Southwestern Community CollegeHi Lisa,
I have reviewed the 24 attachments you provided.
I have uploaded them to our website, and I will now mark this request as “Completed”.
Thank you very much for your help!
~ The Sunshine Request Team
Status: Completed -
January 25, 2024 2:24 pm
1 year ago
from: Lisa Kim Fisher <[email protected]>
to: “[email protected]” <[email protected]>, Tyler Goode <[email protected]>, Don Tomas <[email protected]>, Nan Coulter <[email protected]>, Lisa Kim Fisher <[email protected]>, Bryan Singleton <[email protected]>
date: Jan 25, 2024, 2:24 PM
subject: Public Records Request Southwestern Community CollegeDear Requestor:
In response to your request from Southwestern Community College the information is attached.
Sunshine Request:
Good Evening Lisa and Tyler (or SCC Records Officer / Custodians of these Records), Nan and Don CCed,Please reply promptly to the following public records request, which I’m making in accordance with NC Public Records Law. https://www.ncleg.net/enactedlegislation/statutes/html/bychapter/chapter_132.html
** I’m simply requesting an electronic copy of an electronic record, if one exists. I’m NOT asking for the opportunity to come in person to “inspect”, nor to obtain a printed copy of, this electronic record. I’m requesting explicitly that any responsive info be provided to me via the electronic medium / electronic format (in which the copy of this record should already exist). If you are unable to fulfill any or all parts of this request, please specifically cite where a reason for denial is
justified under NC Public Records Law.**Please provide the electronic copy of all monthly credit card statements for all “college credit cards” used by the President of Southwestern Community College. During the specific time period of January 01, 2022 through the present day [on the date the query is performed].
Lisa Kim Fisher
VP for Financial and Administrative Services
Southwestern Community College
447 College Drive
Sylva, NC 28779
828.339.4366E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Act and shall be disclosed to third parties when required by Chapter 132 of the North Carolina General Statutes.
**Editor’s Note: Please see the 24 files referenced (“publicrecordsrequestsouthwesterncommunitycollege.zip”) at top left in our Documents section.
Status: Response Received from Government -
December 8, 2023 2:23 pm
1 year ago
from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
to: Lisa Sizemore <[email protected]>
cc: Tyler Goode <[email protected]>, “Dr. Tomas” <[email protected]>, Nan Coulter <[email protected]>
date: Dec 8, 2023, 2:23 PM
subject: Re: Public records request. (December 2023) Request for Southwestern Community College, in NC: All credit card statements for all college credit cards used by the SCC President. From 01/01/2022 – present day.Hi Lisa,
Thanks for clarifying.
I will follow up again in a couple of weeks, if I haven’t heard anything else before then.
Thank you for your help!
Status: Government Processing Request -
December 8, 2023 2:11 pm
1 year ago
from: Lisa Sizemore <[email protected]>
to: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
cc: Tyler Goode <[email protected]>, “Dr. Tomas” <[email protected]>, Nan Coulter <[email protected]>
date: Dec 8, 2023, 2:11 PM
subject: Re: Public records request. (December 2023) Request for Southwestern Community College, in NC: All credit card statements for all college credit cards used by the SCC President. From 01/01/2022 – present day.Dear requester,
I am sorry you took my response to mean we were ” intentionally” delaying our response. I promptly
responded to your request to give you a realistic time frame. We have always complied with your requests.I did forward your request immediately to all parties that can access the information. This has NOT been put off, but the college is closed as of December 21 and staff do not return until January 2. Given our end of year work load this request is in the queue.
This request will be filled as promptly as possible. Realistically, that will be after January 2.
Thank you
E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Act and shall be disclosed to third parties when required by Chapter 132 of the North Carolina General Statutes.
Status: Response Received from Government -
December 8, 2023 1:18 pm
1 year ago
from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
to: Lisa Sizemore <[email protected]>
cc: Tyler Goode <[email protected]>, “Dr. Tomas” <[email protected]>, Nan Coulter <[email protected]>
date: Dec 8, 2023, 1:18 PM
subject: Re: Public records request. (December 2023) Request for Southwestern Community College, in NC: All credit card statements for all college credit cards used by the SCC President. From 01/01/2022 – present day.Hi Lisa (and any others CCed),
Thank you for your reply, and thank you for confirming you’re forwarding my request to the appropriate person to fulfill.
I understand that you’re out of office this month, and that you’re retiring at the end of December. Congratulations on retirement ! 🙂
While I acknowledge that SCC may be preparing for end-of-year tasks, and would prefer to address my request next month — under NC Public Records Law SCC is required to “promptly” process all public records requests. Essentially, this means that if you are intentionally delaying the fulfillment of a request by allowing it to “sit” until staff has availability to address it, this could be considered a denial of a request.
With this in mind, I want to highlight the court case referenced in item #6 of the following article, posted on the NC Press Association website. In this instance: “The trial court held that an unjustified one-month delay in production of records was tantamount to a denial”. http://www.ncpress.com/stories/a-bakers-dozen-for-2022nc-public-records-law,2390
If at all possible, I would really appreciate it if you can please get my request in front of someone else in the SCC organization who can fulfill it sooner than January. It seems to me that the records I’ve requested should be fairly simple to provide.
Thank you for your help!
~ The Sunshine Request Team
Status: Government Processing Request -
December 7, 2023 8:23 am
1 year ago
from: Lisa Sizemore <[email protected]>
to: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
cc: Tyler Goode <[email protected]>, “Dr. Tomas” <[email protected]>, Nan Coulter <[email protected]>
date: Dec 7, 2023, 8:23 AM
subject: Re: Public records request. (December 2023) Request for Southwestern Community College, in NC: All credit card statements for all college credit cards used by the SCC President. From 01/01/2022 – present day.Dear requestor,
I am out of the office this month and my retirement is effective the end of December.
I will forward this request to the appropriate person. As we are preparing for commencement, end of year reporting, and our winter break we will address this request in January.
Thank you
E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Act and shall be disclosed to third parties when required by Chapter 132 of the North Carolina General Statutes.
Status: Government Processing Request -
December 6, 2023 5:13 pm
1 year ago
from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
to: Lisa Sizemore <[email protected]>
cc: Tyler Goode <[email protected]>, “Dr. Tomas” <[email protected]>, Nan Coulter <[email protected]>
date: Dec 6, 2023, 5:13 PM
subject: Public records request. (December 2023) Request for Southwestern Community College, in NC: All credit card statements for all college credit cards used by the SCC President. From 01/01/2022 – present day.Good Evening Lisa and Tyler (or SCC Records Officer / Custodians of these Records), Nan and Don CCed,
Please reply promptly to the following public records request, which I’m making in accordance with NC Public Records Law. https://www.ncleg.net/enactedlegislation/statutes/html/bychapter/chapter_132.html
** I’m simply requesting an electronic copy of an electronic record, if one exists. I’m NOT asking for the opportunity to come in person to “inspect”, nor to obtain a printed copy of, this electronic record. I’m requesting explicitly that any responsive info be provided to me via the electronic medium / electronic format (in which the copy of this record should already exist). If you are unable to fulfill any or all parts of this request, please specifically cite where a reason for denial is justified under NC Public Records Law.**
Please provide the electronic copy of all monthly credit card statements for all “college credit cards” used by the President of Southwestern Community College. During the specific time period of January 01, 2022 through the present day [on the date the query is performed].
————————————Please note that by submitting this request, I’m NOT agreeing to pay any potential fees or associated costs related to my request. If it isn’t possible to process the request without incurring fees, then please let me know the itemized potential cost and explanations for those charges upfront, and DO NOT proceed until I respond.
By Law I’m not required to provide a name or address to associate with a public records request, but in order to move things along I’d like to clarify that this request is being made by:
Sunshine Request
PO Box 17391
Asheville, NC 28816The request has been sent solely by me and my email address [email protected] . If anyone other than that email address contacts you to pursue a similar request, it did not come from me. Please do not commingle or treat that as an alteration or cancellation of my request – I intend to continue to pursue my request.
Thank you for your assistance!
** Sunshine Request (www.sunshinerequest.com) makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.
Status: Sent to Government -
December 6, 2023 5:10 pm
1 year ago
Submitted to Sunshine Request
Status: Pending