from: Santiago, Joshua <[email protected]>
to: “[email protected]” <[email protected]>
cc: “Justice, Kim” <[email protected]>
date: Mar 4, 2019, 9:43 AM
subject: Henderson County Records Request
Good morning,
Our office has received several requests for jury records via email from your company over the past several weeks. Unfortunately, jury records are not in a format that can be compiled into a public records request. An individual seeking information about jury trials would need to make specific requests for each case of interest.
Please note that, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 132-6.2(e), our agency is not required to compile records of this type.
Our jury system is not designed to record specific case information, nor does it indicate whether a trial actually took place. Jurors are often released by the Court if a settlement is reached or there are no trials to hear. That system records the generic flag of “served” regardless of the jurors use.
Our offices do record an initial jury request for Civil District, Civil Superior and Criminal Superior cases (and in very rare cases, special proceedings). We also record disposition of cases that utilized a jury in those same case types. Our systems also take jury disposition codes under certain circumstances. Unfortunately, this information does not include specific trial information (for example, if parties decided mid trial to settle or take a voluntary dismissal). Compilation of a dataset with this generic information is possible, however, it is outside of our abilities to do so.
If you are interested in specialized datasets, I would recommend contacting the Records Administrator at the Administrative Office of the Courts. That individual should be able to provide you with a timetable and a cost estimate for compiling that information.
If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me directly.
Thank you,
Kind Regards,
Joshua H. Santiago
Assistant Clerk of Superior Court
Henderson County North Carolina
North Carolina Judicial Branch
O 828-694-4100 (Special Proceedings)
F 828-694-4107
Response Received from Government