Other (indicate in message) Submitted: June 20, 2019 | Updated: July 12, 2019

Isothermal Community College, Spindale NC – Salary and Org Chart Request

Hello Isothermal Community College:

I would like to make a public records request for Isothermal Community College Employee salaries for the 2018-2019 fiscal year (as of today), including any positions that may currently be vacant (please include information of employee who served in the position last, during the 2018-2019 fiscal year).

I would like for the report to please include the following:

1) Name of employee
2) Original hire date
3) Current department
4) Current position
5) Current Salary (base)

Please provide this information in Excel format or compatible if possible.

As a separate document, I would also like to request the current Organizational Structure / Chart for Isothermal Community College, showing department / reporting structure.

Thank you for your assistance.

[Editor’s Note: The sender of the request indicated in the “Start Date” / “End Date” section of the form on our site that the timeline for this info. should include July 01, 2018 - June 19, 2019.]

Editor’s Note: Sunshine Request makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.

Status: Completed


  • July 12, 2019 2:25 pm

    5 years ago

    from: Mike Gavin <[email protected]> via isothermal.onmicrosoft.com
    to: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    date: Jul 12, 2019, 2:25 PM
    subject: Automatic reply: FW: Isothermal Public Records Requests


    I will be away from the office until Tuesday, July 23. I will reply to your message as soon as possible.


    Thank you,

    Mike Gavin


    E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official. (NCGS.Ch.132)

    Status: Completed
  • July 12, 2019 2:25 pm

    5 years ago

    from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    to: Stephen Matheny <[email protected]>
    cc: Walter Dalton <[email protected]>,
    Dee Dee Barnard <[email protected]>,
    Mike Gavin <[email protected]>,
    Amy Curtis <[email protected]>
    date: Jul 12, 2019, 2:25 PM
    subject: Re: FW: Isothermal Public Records Requests




    Thank you very much for your help with this public records request. We have marked it as complete on our site.


    Have a good weekend!
    Sunshine Request

    Status: Completed
  • July 11, 2019 4:30 pm

    5 years ago

    from: Stephen Matheny <[email protected]>
    to:[email protected]” <[email protected]>
    cc: Walter Dalton <[email protected]>,
    Dee Dee Barnard <[email protected]>,
    Mike Gavin <[email protected]>,
    Amy Curtis <[email protected]>
    date: Jul 11, 2019, 4:30 PM
    subject: FW: Isothermal Public Records Requests


    As stated below, we have completed the requests and are submitting them for your review. As a note, the excel file contains both full-time and part-time employees. Information was gathered to reflect 2018-2019 fiscal year.


    Kind Regards,


    Stephen Matheny

    Vice President of Administrative Services

    Isothermal Community College

    [email protected]



    **Editor’s Note: Please see referenced files at top left in documents

    Status: Response Received from Government
  • July 8, 2019 4:15 pm

    5 years ago

    from: Stephen Matheny <[email protected]>
    to:[email protected]” <[email protected]>
    cc: Walter Dalton <[email protected]>
    date: Jul 8, 2019, 4:15 PM
    subject: Isothermal Public Records Requests




    I wanted to respond to let you know we are working on the recent documents requests on June 21, 2019. I expect to have all verified and ready to send by the end of business on Thursday, July 11th 2019. If you have any questions prior to that date, please let me know and contact me directly.




    Stephen Matheny

    Vice President of Administrative Services

    Isothermal Community College

    [email protected]



    E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official. (NCGS.Ch.132)

    Status: Government Processing Request
  • June 28, 2019 4:40 pm

    5 years ago

    from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    to: [email protected]
    cc: [email protected],
    [email protected]
    date: Jun 28, 2019, 4:40 PM
    subject: Re: Records Request: Isothermal Community College, Spindale NC – Salary and Org Chart Request


    Good afternoon Isothermal Community College,


    We just wanted to check in and follow up on this request that we sent in last week to confirm that it had been received and began processing. If you can also please provide a rough estimate as to when the request will be completed, we will follow up again at that time.


    Thank you very much!
    Sunshine Request

    Status: Follow up
  • June 21, 2019 11:52 am

    5 years ago

    from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    to: [email protected]
    cc: [email protected],
    [email protected]
    date: Jun 21, 2019, 11:52 AM
    subject: Records Request: Isothermal Community College, Spindale NC – Salary and Org Chart Request


    Good afternoon Isothermal Community College,


    I work for a website called Sunshine Request www.sunshinerequest.com. We built a site that makes it easier to make public records requests by filling out a simple form, and the results of any requests are posted on our site. This allows citizens to learn more about our local government, while saving staff from having to fulfill duplicate requests. If you have any questions about the project, please let me know, and I’ll be happy to answer.


    We received a request for information that may be available in your office. If you are not the appropriate contact, please let us know who to get in touch with instead. Additionally, if you can also please provide a rough estimate as to when the request will be completed, we will follow up again at that time.


    Here are the details of the request:


    Subject: Isothermal Community College, Spindale NC – Salary and Org Chart Request


    Message: “Hello Isothermal Community College:


    I would like to make a public records request for Isothermal Community College Employee salaries for the 2018-2019 fiscal year (as of today), including any positions that may currently be vacant (please include information of employee who served in the position last, during the 2018-2019 fiscal year).


    I would like for the report to please include the following:


    1) Name of employee
    2) Original hire date
    3) Current department
    4) Current position
    5) Current Salary (base)


    Please provide this information in Excel format or compatible if possible.


    As a separate document, I would also like to request the current Organizational Structure / Chart for Isothermal Community College, showing department / reporting structure.


    Thank you for your assistance.”


    **Editor’s Note: The sender of the request indicated in the “Start Date” / “End Date” section of the form on our site that the timeline for this info. should include July 01, 2018 – June 19, 2019.


    Sunshine Request makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.


    We appreciate your help.
    Have a good day,
    Sunshine Request

    Status: Sent to Government
  • June 20, 2019 2:52 pm

    5 years ago

    Submitted to Sunshine Request
    Status: Pending