Other (indicate in message) Submitted: June 26, 2024 | Updated: July 11, 2024

(June 2024) Request for Gaston County, NC: Current Oath of Office and Surety Bond for District Court Judge.

Good afternoon Clerk of Superior Court, Craig, Melissa, (or Records Officer / Custodian(s) of these Records),

Please reply promptly to the following public records request, which I’m making in accordance with NC Public Records Law. https://www.ncleg.net/enactedlegislation/statutes/html/bychapter/chapter_132.html

Please provide the electronic copy of the current Oath of Office and Surety Bond (or the Surety Liability Insurance Policy) for Judge Craig R. Collins [325 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Way Gastonia, NC 28052].

I’d like to bring your attention to NCGS 132-1(b) as you process my request:
“The public records and public information compiled by the agencies of North Carolina government or its subdivisions are the property of the people. Therefore, it is the policy of this State that the people may obtain copies of their public records and public information free or at minimal cost unless otherwise specifically provided by law. As used herein, “minimal cost” shall mean the actual cost of reproducing the public record or public information.”
There is no “actual cost” to reproduce a simple, single electronic record such as this.

** I’m simply requesting an electronic copy of an electronic record, if one exists. I’m NOT asking for the opportunity to come in person to “inspect”, nor to obtain a printed copy of, this electronic record. I’m requesting explicitly that any responsive info be provided to me via the electronic medium / electronic format (in which the copy of this record already exists). If you are unable to fulfill any or all parts of this request, please specifically cite where a reason for denial is justified under NC Public Records Law. **

Please note that by submitting this request, I’m NOT agreeing to pay any potential fees or associated costs related to my request. If it isn’t possible to process the request without incurring fees, then please let me know the itemized potential cost and clear explanations of those charges upfront, and DO NOT proceed until I respond.

By Law I’m not required to provide a name or address to associate with a public records request, but in order to move things along I’d like to clarify that this request is being made by:

Sunshine Request
PO Box 17391
Asheville, NC 28816

The request has been sent solely by me and my email address [email protected] . If anyone other than that email address contacts you to pursue a similar request, it did not come from me. Please do not commingle or treat that as an alteration or cancellation of my request – I intend to continue to pursue my request.

Thank you for your assistance!

** Sunshine Request (www.sunshinerequest.com) makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.

Editor’s Note: Sunshine Request makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.

Editor’s Note 06/26/24: The original submission we received has been revised for clarity — given recent responses we’ve received from Melissa Pollard, related to a similar request.

Status: Completed



  • July 11, 2024 2:30 pm

    6 months ago

    from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    to: “Pollard, Melissa D.” <[email protected]>
    date: Jul 11, 2024, 2:30 PM
    subject: Re: Public records request. (June 2024) Request for Gaston County, NC: Current Oath of Office and Surety Bond for District Court Judge.


    Hi Melissa,


    I’ve reviewed your email from July 08 @ 3:10pm.


    Later this evening or early tomorrow I will mark the request as “Completed” on our website.


    Thank you for your assistance with my request!


    ~ The Sunshine Request Team

    Status: Completed
  • July 8, 2024 3:10 pm

    6 months ago

    from: Pollard, Melissa D. <[email protected]>
    to: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    date: Jul 8, 2024, 3:10 PM
    subject: RE: Public records request. (June 2024) Request for Gaston County, NC: Current Oath of Office and Surety Bond for District Court Judge.


    I am not aware of any record of any Surety Bond that is retained in the Clerk of Courts office.

    Status: Response Received from Government
  • July 8, 2024 2:53 pm

    6 months ago

    from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    to: “Collins, Craig R.” <[email protected]>
    cc: “Pollard, Melissa D.” <[email protected]>
    date: Jul 8, 2024, 2:53 PM
    subject: Re: Public records request. (June 2024) Request for Gaston County, NC: Current Oath of Office and Surety Bond for District Court Judge.


    Hi Melissa and Craig,


    In regard to the following request, which I submitted to your offices on June 26:
    (June 2024) Request for Gaston County, NC: Current Oath of Office and Surety Bond for District Court Judge.


    I received Craig’s message above on July 03 at 4:10pm. Thank you.


    Although it was sent via an email thread related to a different request — I also received Melissa’s message on July 03 @ 1:20pm containing the “Oath of Office” for Mr. Collins. Thank you for providing that document. Please see attached.


    I did want to ask Melissa if you can please clarify why the “Surety Bond (or the Surety Liability Insurance Policy) for Judge Craig R. Collins” was not provided as I requested?


    Thank you for your help.


    ~ The Sunshine Request Team


    **Editor’s Note: Please see the 1 file referenced (“Oath2.pdf”) at top left in our Documents section.

    Status: Clarification Requested
  • July 3, 2024 4:10 pm

    7 months ago

    from: Collins, Craig R. <[email protected]>
    to: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    date: Jul 3, 2024, 4:10 PM
    subject: RE: Public records request. (June 2024) Request for Gaston County, NC: Current Oath of Office and Surety Bond for District Court Judge.


    I am not in possession of a digital copy of the Oath. The Oath has been filed with the Clerk of Court. I do not know whether any digital copies are kept. I am unsure what surety bond you are referring to, so I am unable to provide you with this information.


    -Craig Collins


    E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina public records laws and if so, may be disclosed.

    Status: Response Received from Government
  • June 26, 2024 3:59 pm

    7 months ago

    from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    to: [email protected]
    cc: [email protected], [email protected], “Pollard, Melissa D.” <[email protected]>
    date: Jun 26, 2024, 3:59 PM
    subject: Public records request. (June 2024) Request for Gaston County, NC: Current Oath of Office and Surety Bond for District Court Judge.


    Good afternoon Clerk of Superior Court, Craig, Melissa, (or Records Officer / Custodian(s) of these Records),


    Please reply promptly to the following public records request, which I’m making in accordance with NC Public Records Law. https://www.ncleg.net/enactedlegislation/statutes/html/bychapter/chapter_132.html


    Please provide the electronic copy of the current Oath of Office and Surety Bond (or the Surety Liability Insurance Policy) for Judge Craig R. Collins [325 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Way Gastonia, NC 28052].


    I’d like to bring your attention to NCGS 132-1(b) as you process my request:

    “The public records and public information compiled by the agencies of North Carolina government or its subdivisions are the property of the people. Therefore, it is the policy of this State that the people may obtain copies of their public records and public information free or at minimal cost unless otherwise specifically provided by law. As used herein, “minimal cost” shall mean the actual cost of reproducing the public record or public information.”


    There is no “actual cost” to reproduce a simple, single electronic record such as this.


    ** I’m simply requesting an electronic copy of an electronic record, if one exists. I’m NOT asking for the opportunity to come in person to “inspect”, nor to obtain a printed copy of, this electronic record. I’m requesting explicitly that any responsive info be provided to me via the electronic medium / electronic format (in which the copy of this record already exists). If you are unable to fulfill any or all parts of this request, please specifically cite where a reason for denial is justified under NC Public Records Law. **


    Please note that by submitting this request, I’m NOT agreeing to pay any potential fees or associated costs related to my request. If it isn’t possible to process the request without incurring fees, then please let me know the itemized potential cost and clear explanations of those charges upfront, and DO NOT proceed until I respond.


    By Law I’m not required to provide a name or address to associate with a public records request, but in order to move things along I’d like to clarify that this request is being made by:


    Sunshine Request
    PO Box 17391
    Asheville, NC 28816


    The request has been sent solely by me and my email address [email protected] . If anyone other than that email address contacts you to pursue a similar request, it did not come from me. Please do not commingle or treat that as an alteration or cancellation of my request – I intend to continue to pursue my request.


    Thank you for your assistance!


    ** Sunshine Request (www.sunshinerequest.com) makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.

    Status: Sent to Government
  • June 26, 2024 3:56 pm

    7 months ago

    Submitted to Sunshine Request
    Status: Pending