Editor’s Note: Sunshine Request makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.
Other (indicate in message) Submitted: May 21, 2021 | Updated: July 2, 2021
(May 2021) Request for list of Watauga County, NC Magistrates working 04/27/21 – 04/28/21
Hello Watauga County, NC Government (Records Officer),
I'd like to make a public records request for the following information under NC Public Records Law. If you are not the custodian of the records requested, please let me know the correct contact info for where I should resend:
Please provide a list of all Watauga County, NC Magistrates working during the night [and] the overnight periods on 04/27/21 [and] on 04/48/21. I'm asking for names only.
Thank you for your assistance!
Status: Completed
July 2, 2021 4:06 pm
3 years ago
from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
to: “Watauga.Administration” <[email protected]>
date: Jul 2, 2021, 4:06 PM
subject: Re: Records Request: (May 2021) Request for list of Watauga County, NC Magistrates working 04/27/21 – 04/28/21Good afternoon Charles,
Thank you for your help. I will go ahead and mark this request as completed and will reach out if we get requests for your office in the future.
Have a good weekend!
Status: Completed -
June 28, 2021 10:59 am
3 years ago
from: Watauga.Administration <[email protected]>
to: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
date: Jun 28, 2021, 10:59 AM
subject: RE: Records Request: (May 2021) Request for list of Watauga County, NC Magistrates working 04/27/21 – 04/28/21The Watauga County Clerk of Superior Court is an entity that can process a similar request, however, we do not possess a record that is responsive to this particular request.
Charles M Haynes
North Carolina Judicial Branch
O 828-268-6637
F 828-268-6601
Status: Clarification Provided -
June 23, 2021 4:23 pm
3 years ago
from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
to: “Watauga.Administration” <[email protected]>
date: Jun 23, 2021, 4:23 PM
subject: Re: Records Request: (May 2021) Request for list of Watauga County, NC Magistrates working 04/27/21 – 04/28/21Hi Charles,
Thank you for your reply!
So far in this process, I have sent this specific records request to:
1) Watauga County, NC Government (county manager) [email protected]. The response I received was, “The magistrates are not County employees. You would need to contact the State of North Carolina.”
2) Then I sent to: NCJC.LSD.Public Records ([email protected]). The response I received was, “The North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts is not the custodian of the records you are requesting. Typically, such schedules would be set by the Chief District Court Judge in the relevant county, or by his/her designee. Please contact the Watauga County clerk’s office for further information.”
3) Then I sent to your office: Watauga County Clerk of Superior Court (Watauga.Administration@
nccourts.org). The response I received was, “The Watauga County Clerk of Superior Court does not have a record that is responsive to this request.” Given the number of replies I’ve received previously, before I can mark this request as “Completed” I just want to clarify whether you are saying you are the correct entity to process the request. However, you do not have any records which are responsive to the request. Is that correct?
Or, are you saying that you are not the record-keeper, and there is someone else I should contact? If so, please specify their name and email address.
Thank you for your help!
Status: Clarification Requested -
June 11, 2021 2:26 pm
3 years ago
from: Watauga.Administration <[email protected]>
to: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
date: Jun 11, 2021, 2:26 PM
subject: RE: Records Request: (May 2021) Request for list of Watauga County, NC Magistrates working 04/27/21 – 04/28/21The Watauga County Clerk of Superior Court does not have a record that is responsive to this request.
Charles M Haynes
North Carolina Judicial Branch
O 828-268-6637
F 828-268-6601
E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina public records laws and if so, may be disclosed.
Status: Response Received from Government -
June 9, 2021 1:17 pm
3 years ago
from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
to: [email protected]
date: Jun 9, 2021, 1:17 PM
subject: Records Request: (May 2021) Request for list of Watauga County, NC Magistrates working 04/27/21 – 04/28/21Good afternoon Watauga County Clerk of Superior Court,
I’d like to make a public records request for information that may be available in your office.
Please confirm receipt to let me know the request will begin processing, and if possible, please provide a rough estimate of when the request may be completed. I will plan on following up again in late June if I have not heard back before then.
Here are the details of the request:
Subject: (May 2021) Request for list of Watauga County, NC Magistrates working 04/27/21 – 04/28/21
Message: “Hello Watauga County, NC Government (Records Officer),
I’d like to make a public records request for the following information under NC Public Records Law. If you are not the custodian of the records requested, please let me know the correct contact info for where I should resend:
Please provide a list of all Watauga County, NC Magistrates working during the night [and] the overnight periods on 04/27/21 [and] on 04/48/21. I’m asking for names only.
Thank you for your assistance!”
** Sunshine Request makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests or public records received.
Status: Sent to Government -
June 9, 2021 1:18 pm
3 years ago
from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
to: “NCJC.LSD.Public Records” <[email protected]>
date: Jun 9, 2021, 1:18 PM
subject: Re: Webform submission from: Public Records RequestGood afternoon,
Thank you for clarifying! I will reach out to Watauga County clerk’s office for further information.
Appreciate your assistance.
Status: Clarification Provided -
June 4, 2021 8:40 am
3 years ago
from: NCJC.LSD.Public Records <[email protected]>
to: “[email protected]” <[email protected]>
date: Jun 4, 2021, 8:40 AM
subject: RE: Webform submission from: Public Records RequestGood morning,
We are in receipt of your records request. The North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts is not the custodian of the records you are requesting. Typically, such schedules would be set by the Chief District Court Judge in the relevant county, or by his/her designee. Please contact the Watauga County clerk’s office for further information.
Thank you for your inquiry.
Status: Clarification Provided -
June 2, 2021 4:30 pm
3 years ago
**Editor’s Note: This request has been sent in via a public records request form on NC Courts website. Thank you for using Sunshine Request!
from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
to: “Deron.Geouque” <[email protected]>
date: Jun 2, 2021, 4:30 PM
subject: Re: Records Request: (May 2021) Request for list of Watauga County, NC Magistrates working 04/27/21 – 04/28/21Good afternoon Deron,
Thank you for your response. I have sent this request to NC Courts.
Appreciate your help!
Status: Follow up -
May 24, 2021 8:20 pm
3 years ago
from: Deron.Geouque <[email protected]>
to: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
date: May 24, 2021, 8:20 PM
subject: Re: Records Request: (May 2021) Request for list of Watauga County, NC Magistrates working 04/27/21 – 04/28/21The magistrates are not County employees. You would need to contact the State of North Carolina.
Thank you.
Deron Geouque
Watauga County Manager
814 West King Street
Boone, NC 28607
(P) 828-265-8000
(F) 828-264-3230
Email [email protected]
Status: Clarification Provided -
May 24, 2021 4:49 pm
3 years ago
from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
to: [email protected]
date: May 24, 2021, 4:49 PM
subject: Records Request: (May 2021) Request for list of Watauga County, NC Magistrates working 04/27/21 – 04/28/21Good afternoon Watauga County, NC Government (Records Officer),
I’d like to make a public records request for information that may be available in your office.
Please confirm receipt to let me know the request will begin processing, and if possible, please provide a rough estimate of when the request may be completed. I will plan on following up again in early June if I have not heard back before then.
Here are the details of the request:
Subject: (May 2021) Request for list of Watauga County, NC Magistrates working 04/27/21 – 04/28/21
Message: “Hello Watauga County, NC Government (Records Officer),
I’d like to make a public records request for the following information under NC Public Records Law. If you are not the custodian of the records requested, please let me know the correct contact info for where I should resend:
Please provide a list of all Watauga County, NC Magistrates working during the night [and] the overnight periods on 04/27/21 [and] on 04/48/21. I’m asking for names only.
Thank you for your assistance!”
** Sunshine Request makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests or public records received.
Status: Sent to Government -
May 21, 2021 3:02 pm
3 years ago
Submitted to Sunshine Request
Status: Pending