Other (indicate in message) Submitted: August 15, 2024 | Updated: August 15, 2024

[See Editor’s Note] (August 2024) Submission related to “Jackson County Public Schools email request …” from 04/02/24 – 08/23/24.

Date sent in to Sunshine: 08/15/24

Original Subject:
Jackson County Public Schools email request ...

Original Message:
Jackson County, NC Public Schools is the subject of my request.

I'm requesting all email correspondence regarding the removal of the book "Tricks" from the Smoky Mountain High School Library. I would like correspondence regarding "Tricks" or any other mention of banning books from the email accounts of all the Board of Education members, School Superintendent Dana Ayers, Smoky Mountain High School Principal Joey Robinson, SMHS Media Coordinator Nicole Noran Sink, and the Board Attorney. Please include all correspondence with the complainant, also.

Please include any further correspondence between the above-mentioned regarding the potential banning of more books and supply the list and the name of the community member making the complaints.

"Tricks" is a controversial novel by Ellen Hopkins.

Government Entity:
Other (indicate in message)

Start Date / End Date:
April 02, 2024 - August 23, 2024

Editor’s Note: Sunshine Request makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.

Editor’s Note 08/15/24: The submission above has been marked as “Completed”. As written, it is unclear what specific, searchable public records the sender would like to receive, or to what time period this should apply.

1) “Please include all correspondence with the complainant, also.”“Please include any further correspondence between the above-mentioned regarding the potential banning of more books and supply the list and the name of the community member making the complaints.”

We don’t know how many records a request like this would potentially include, but due to the unclear time period, as well as the speculative nature of what you’re seeking — as it’s written we find the request to be overly broad and unclear.

– It is important what you’re requesting is specific and reasonable. Please specify the exact records you’d like to receive, rather than any “possible” or “potential” info that could be searched.

– Unless specified otherwise, we typically interpret the term “correspondence” or “communications” to mean Emails, SMS text messages, Google Chat messages, and Facebook Messenger messages — Please specify the exact “communications” records you are hoping to receive.

– When requesting communication records, it’s important to specify the type of communications being requested, who the communications are “sent to”, “sent from”, or “sent between”, and any specific people / staff / departments etc. that should be included. Also, when a request covers a large time period and/or multiple entities, it’s important to include any specific subject matter or specific keywords that should be included in the search.

– We recommend limiting requests like this to cover a three month time period, or shorter. Remember that the larger the request, the more time it takes to fulfill. If you’d like to request records over a larger time frame, then please include more keywords, to / from addresses etc. to limit the number of responsive records.

– Clarifying this info will help to greatly narrow the scope of the request, and will also reduce the amount of time it takes the Disclosing Agency (as well as our team) to process the request.

2) Sunshine Request is a site built to make requests for public records (recorded info such as documents, emails, and data sets) to government entities. We are a small 3-person team, running the website in addition to our primary business. Due to our availability, the volume of requests we receive, and the time required to fulfill each one — our focus is on fulfilling requests which are in the public interest, and evaluating if there is a public benefit to that info being available.

Please note that we will not fulfill requests for “public safety” type records specific to a single individual, address, incident, or case number. This also applies to requests that may include confidential, sensitive, or personally identifying info about students and their data / families / case #s etc. (if that type of info happens to be contained in any of the responsive records you’re hoping to receive). For example: We will not ask JCPS to specifically name a person(s) making complaints, or to share those complaints with our Team.

** Due to the personal nature of the info you’re seeking, we recommend that the sender reaches out directly to the appropriate entity for assistance with the request. Before submitting another request to our site, please take a moment to review our FAQs and Policies pages. These pages clarify the types of requests we will not fulfill.

Sunshine Request will not fulfill the following types of requests:

☀️ Requests that are incomplete, non-specific, or vague.

While we do proofread requests we receive for general spelling and clarity, we may choose not to fulfill the request if it is incomplete, or it is unclear what specific information the requester hopes to receive. In this case, the sender may rewrite and resubmit the request.

It’s the requester’s responsibility to write the request in a manner that clearly specifies a record that is being requested, and to what government entity it should be sent.

☀️ Requests that are only informational questions, and requests that are not addressed to government entities.

Sunshine Request is a site built to make requests for public records to the government — Public records are recorded information such as documents, government emails, and data sets.

In the interest of preserving our team’s time to focus on the high volume of requests on our site, as well to respect the staff time of government entities fulfilling records requests, Sunshine Request will no longer fulfill “requests” that are just informational type questions for government entities to answer.

We also will not fulfill requests made to non-government entities.

It’s the requester’s responsibility to write the request in a manner that clearly specifies a record that is being requested, and to what government entity it should be sent.

☀️ Requests for public safety information specific to a single individual, address, incident or name.

This includes police reports, calls for service, complaints / incident reports / citations, criminal / arrest type records, or camera footage. We will, on a case by case basis, fulfill public safety related requests that focus on system-level trends and data.

Due to the personal nature of this type of information, we recommend that the sender reach out directly to the appropriate entity for assistance with the request.

☀️ Please be specific:

It is important that what you are requesting is specific and reasonable, and is an actionable records request. Please specify the exact type of records you’d like to receive, rather than any “possible” or “potential” info that could be searched. Remember that the larger your request, the more time it usually takes to fulfill. Specificity will often help reduce the amount of time needed to process the request.

It is important that a request has a clearly written and complete Subject and Message, and also specifies the Government Entity (or entities), City and/or County, and State to which the request should be sent. If applicable, please also include any responsive timelines for the info that should be requested.

While we do proofread requests we receive for general spelling and clarity, we may choose not to fulfill the request if it is incomplete, or it is unclear what specific info the requester hopes to receive, or if it violates our policies.

Before submitting a request, please take a moment to review our tips for How to write and make a successful request. If you have additional questions about our site or how to make requests, please check out our FAQs or Policies page.

☀️ Code of Conduct: Please do not use Sunshine Request or any of the results of public records requests to harass government entities / employees, businesses, private citizens / individuals, or otherwise.

☀️ Please note that we cannot pay any fees / associated costs related to any of the requests on our site. If it is not possible for a Government Agency to process our request without incurring fees, then it is the responsibility of that Agency to let us know what the potential costs may be — at which point we will ask that they cease processing the request. We will mark the request as “Completed” on our site, and the sender can contact the Government Agency directly, should they wish to further pursue a request.

Thank you for using Sunshine Request!

Status: Completed


  • August 15, 2024 1:36 pm

    1 month ago

    Submitted to Sunshine Request
    Status: Pending