Editor’s Note: Sunshine Request makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive. Editor’s Note 10/03/19: The above request has been marked as “Completed”.
Editor’s Note 10/03/19: As it is written, it is unclear what specific info. is being requested, or of what entity / entities the request should be made. It sounds like the request should be made twice (Town of Sylva, NC, as well as to Jackson County, NC government)? Additionally, the request is too broad for us to fulfill – Requests to our site should be for a specific type of info., subject, date range, any specific names / departments, and entity (State / City / County).
When requesting “communications,” it is especially important to specify the exact info you’d like to receive, rather than any “possible” or “potential” info. that could be searched. This will often cut down the amount of time needed to process the requests. Please be as specific as possible in your Message by indicating the exact names, subject matter / keywords, and timelines you’d like to receive. For example:
“Hello City of Asheville, NC. I would like to request all emails and text messages sent between City Councilpersons Bert and Ernie from 04/26/19 – 04/30/19 related to Airbnbs on Sesame Street. Thank you for your help!”
Or, “Hello City of Asheville, NC. I would like to request all emails and text messages sent between all City Councilpersons and NCDOT from 04/26/19 – 04/30/19 related to traffic complaints on Sesame Street. Thank you for your help!”
If you’d like to revise and resubmit the request, please do so through the form on the homepage of our site. Thank you for using www.sunshinerequest.com!
Please note: If the sender chooses to resubmit the request, it will likely be merged with, and sent in along with another similar request found at https://www.sunshinerequest.com/records_request/october-2019-ncdot-district-14-communications-regarding-nc-107-with-jackson-county-government/
Please note: On 09/20/19 and 09/27/19 we completed a request for similar information