Editor’s Note: Sunshine Request makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.
Editor’s Note 07/30/21: We received several submissions for very similar information, all of which have been “merged” above, and are going to be pending submission to Jackson County, Gov until we receive additional clarification from Kathleen Breedlove about the new records request process she’d like us to use.
In May 2021, we sent in a similar new request to Jackson County, NC Gov which asked for “… all Jackson County Gov. employee salaries for upcoming FY 2021-2022.”
On May 06, Kathleen Breedlove said, “We are in receipt of this request. Salaries will not be available until a budget is adopted by the Board of Commissioners, generally mid to late June. You may expect a response to this request in late June or early July.”
We let her know that we’d plan to follow up again “in early July”. As we are a very small team, running Sunshine Request in addition to our primary business, we were just now able to follow up yesterday.
However, we recently received a direct communicatIon from Kathleen which indicates there may be some new records request process the County has adopted as of April 2021, and that we might be expected to start following for old and new requests we’ve sent in … In order to avoid confusion / unnecessary duplication of requests, we’re actively working with Kathleen right now to try and get clarification about this “new process” before we follow up on (or submit any new) requests on our site related to Jackson County Government.
Besides the submission above, we have 12 active and “open” requests on our site related to Jackson County Gov. Once we receive clarification from Kathleen, we will note any updates on each of the 12 requests, and can proceed from there. Please do not submit any new requests asking us to follow up with Jackson County.
Once that has all been clarified with Kathleen, the new August request we send in will read as follows:
Subject: (August 2021) Multi-part records request related to “Jackson County North Carolina County Government Employees Pay Scale” and salaries FY 21-22
Hi Jackson County, NC Government (Records Officer),
I’d like to make a multi-part public records request for the following information under NC Public Records Law:
1. Please provide all Jackson County Gov. employee salaries and pay scale for upcoming FY 2021-2022. This should include all pay grades and steps associated with each pay grade. Please include employee name, job title, job grade, current step, current salary and date employment began.
** All information provided should be accurate as of 08/01/21 (or as of the date the query is performed).
2. I would also like to make the exact same request as #1 above, specifically as relates to Jackson County, NC Sheriff’s Office employees. I understand that this info will be duplicated by the handling of item #1 above. However, if possible, I’d like to request that you please create a separate section of the spreadsheet which specifically lists this information as relates to the Sheriff’s Office only.
Thank you for your assistance!