Editor’s Note: Sunshine Request makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.
Editor’s Note 02/20/20: The above submission has been marked as “Completed.”
To our knowledge, ACS has been live streaming and archiving their BOE meetings on their Facebook page over the past year. The most recent video was streamed by ACS on 02/03/20. Search for the word “board”, here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/AVLCitySchools/videos
In response to the above submission (as well as other messages we’ve received) asking for filming coverage, on 02/19/20 we reached out to Shaunda Sandford (Board Chair Asheville City Schools) to confirm whether ACS will continue to post video / livestream their BOE meetings online. We also asked that they confirm if they will be recording / streaming the March 2nd, 2020 meeting at the Edington Center. Our questions were forwarded to (Executive Director of Communications) Ashley-Michelle Thublin, who will get back to us as soon as she is able.
If ACS will not be streaming additional BEO meetings and/or the March 02 meeting, we will determine whether the Sunshine Request Team is available to cover those meetings, and will make a post about this on our Facebook page once a decision has been made. For now, please keep track of ACS’s videos at https://www.facebook.com/pg/AVLCitySchools/videos, or their BEO schedule at https://www.ashevillecityschools.net/domain/10..
FAQs: Do you have a media inquiry, request for filming, or other questions about some aspect of Sunshine Request? Do you want to know how to get in touch?
☀️If you have questions about our website, please check out our FAQs. Please do not use the public records request form on our website or other methods of communication to contact us about questions related to Sunshine Request. We may not review or respond to these submissions.
☀️If you need to contact the Sunshine Request team, please email all media inquiries (requests for filming or press), or any additional questions about our website to [email protected].
☀️Community Playback is a program started by Sunshine Request to live-stream and archive public meetings. We livestream (and sometimes film) and upload videos to our Facebook page. Any meetings we are currently scheduled to film can be found on our events calendar at https://www.facebook.com/pg/sunshinerequestavl/events/
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