Editor’s Note: Sunshine Request makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.
Other (indicate in message) Submitted: August 11, 2023 | Updated: August 30, 2023
(August 2023) Request for Jackson County, MO Assessment Dept: All records and evidence used in determining the assessed values of two real property parcels. 01/01/2019 through 08/14/2023.
Good Afternoon Gail (Assessment Department), or Jackson County Records Officer,
Please reply promptly to the following public records request, which is being made in accordance with the Missouri Sunshine Law.
** I’m simply requesting an electronic copy of an electronic record, if one exists. I am NOT asking to come in person to inspect, nor to obtain a printed copy of, these electronic records. I’m requesting explicitly that any responsive info be provided to me via an electronic medium / format (in which the copy of these records should already exist).
I do not have any further clarifying info I wish to provide to narrow this request. If the request is unclear, or if you are unable to fulfill any or all parts of the request, then please specifically cite where a reason for its denial is justified under any public records laws, statutes, etc. **
Please provide all records and evidence used in determining the assessed values of real property parcels number 33-920-06-13-00-0-00-000 and 33-920-06-01-00-0-00-000. During the specific time period of 01/01/2019 through 08/14/2023 or present day (date the query is performed).
** Please note that by submitting this request, I’m NOT agreeing to pay any potential fees or associated costs related to my request. If it isn’t possible to process the request without incurring fees, then please let me know the itemized potential cost and explanations for those charges upfront, and DO NOT proceed until I respond.
I do not believe I’m required to provide a name or address to associate with a public records request, but in order to move things along I’d like to clarify that this request is being made by:
Sunshine Request
PO Box 17391
Asheville, NC 28816
The request has been sent solely from the email address [email protected] . If anyone other than that email address contacts you to pursue a similar request, it did not come from me or my Team. Please do not commingle or treat that as an alteration or cancellation of my request – I intend to continue to pursue my request.
Thank you for your assistance!
Status: Completed
August 30, 2023 5:14 pm
1 year ago
from: JACKSONCOUNTYMO Support <[email protected]>
to: “[email protected]” <[email protected]>
date: Aug 30, 2023, 4:14 PM (CDT)
subject: [Records Center] COUNTY PRR :: R004696-081523Attachments:
67308_01.JPG— Please respond above this line —
Attached are all documents and photos used in the 2023 valuation of your parcel.
Thank you.
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Public Records Center
**Editor’s Note: Please see the referenced file (“Archive.zip”) at top left in our Documents section.
Status: Completed -
August 21, 2023 1:49 pm
1 year ago
from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
to: JACKSONCOUNTYMO Support <[email protected]>
date: Aug 21, 2023, 1:49 PM
subject: Re: [Records Center] COUNTY PRR :: R004696-081523Thanks Ashton!
I’ll plan to follow up with you in a month or so, if I haven’t heard anything else before then.
~ The Sunshine Request Team
Status: Government Processing Request -
August 18, 2023 6:21 pm
1 year ago
from: JACKSONCOUNTYMO Support <[email protected]>
to: “[email protected]” <[email protected]>
date: Aug 18, 2023, 6:21 PM
subject: [Records Center] COUNTY PRR :: R004696-081523— Please respond above this line —
RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of August 15, 2023, Reference # R004696-081523.
Dear Sunshine Request (www.sunshinerequest.com) Sunshine Request (www.sunshinerequest.com) Sunshine Request (www.sunshinerequest.com),
Jackson County received a Missouri Sunshine Law request from you on August 15, 2023. Your request mentioned:
“Good Afternoon Gail (Assessment Department), or Jackson County Records Officer,
Jeph BurroughsScanlon said I had to resubmit this request (I already emailed you earlier today) using the link he provided to your request form. So, that’s what I’m doing now.
I’d like to make a public records request for information that may be available in your office. If you’re not the appropriate party to contact about the request, please provide the correct name and email address of whom I should send it to.
Please confirm receipt to let me know the request will begin processing, and if possible, please provide a rough estimate of when the request may be completed. I will plan on following up again soon if I have not heard back before then.
Here are the details of the request:
(August 2023) Request for Jackson County, MO Assessment Dept: All records and evidence used in determining the assessed values of two real property parcels. 01/01/2019 through 08/14/2023.MESSAGE:
“Good Afternoon Gail (Assessment Department), or Jackson County Records Officer,Please reply promptly to the following public records request, which is being made in accordance with the Missouri Sunshine Law.
** I’m simply requesting an electronic copy of an electronic record, if one exists. I am NOT asking to come in person to inspect, nor to obtain a printed copy of, these electronic records. I’m requesting explicitly that any responsive info be provided to me via an electronic medium / format (in which the copy of these records should already exist).
I do not have any further clarifying info I wish to provide to narrow this request. If the request is unclear, or if you are unable to fulfill any or all parts of the request, then please specifically cite where a reason for its denial is justified under any public records laws, statutes, etc. **
Please provide all records and evidence used in determining the assessed values of real property parcels number 33-920-06-13-00-0-00-000 and 33-920-06-01-00-0-00-000. During the specific time period of 01/01/2019 through 08/14/2023 or present day (date the query is performed).
——————** Please note that by submitting this request, I’m NOT agreeing to pay any potential fees or associated costs related to my request. If it isn’t possible to process the request without incurring fees, then please let me know the itemized potential cost and explanations for those charges upfront, and DO NOT proceed until I respond.
I do not believe I’m required to provide a name or address to associate with a public records request, but in order to move things along I’d like to clarify that this request is being made by:
Sunshine Request
PO Box 17391
Asheville, NC 28816The request has been sent solely from the email address [email protected] . If anyone other than that email address contacts you to pursue a similar request, it did not come from me or my Team. Please do not commingle or treat that as an alteration or cancellation of my request – I intend to continue to pursue my request.
Thank you for your assistance!”
** Sunshine Request (www.sunshinerequest.com) makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.”
We have received your request and begun collecting responsive records. However, due to the high volume of requests and limited staff, please allow an additional 30 business days to complete your request.
If your request will not be completed in that time, you will receive an email update on September 29, 2023 from our office with additional details.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact my office at 816-881-3238.
Ashton Unger
Systems Administrator
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Public Records Center
Status: Government Processing Request -
August 15, 2023 5:55 pm
1 year ago
from: Assessment <[email protected]>
to: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
cc: tpa ASMT <[email protected]>, BPAsmt <[email protected]>,
“Marshanna C. Smith” <[email protected]>
date: Aug 15, 2023, 5:55 PM
subject: Re: EXTERNAL Records Request: (August 2023) Request for Jackson County, MO Assessment Dept: All records and evidence used in determining the assessed values of two real property parcels. 01/01/2019 through 08/14/2023.Hello,
All requests must be made online through GovQA at https://jacksoncountymo.govqa.
us/WEBAPP/_rs/(S( qadiqut3fwduql0rpaxmeh3e))/ supporthome.aspx CD – Jackson County Assessment Department
Status: Response Received from Government -
August 15, 2023 5:51 pm
1 year ago
from: Assessment Customer Service <[email protected]>
to: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
date: Aug 15, 2023, 5:51 PM
subject: Re: EXTERNAL Records Request: (August 2023) Request for Jackson County, MO Assessment Dept: All records and evidence used in determining the assessed values of two real property parcels. 01/01/2019 through 08/14/2023.Thank you for contacting the Assessment Department,
All requests must be made online through GovQA at https://jacksoncountymo.govqa.us/WEBAPP/_rs/(S(qadiqut3fwduql0rpaxmeh3e))/supporthome.aspx
Thank you,
Jackson County Customer Service
Status: Response Received from Government -
August 15, 2023 5:31 pm
1 year ago
from: JACKSONCOUNTYMO Support <[email protected]>
to: “[email protected]” <[email protected]>
date: Aug 15, 2023, 5:31 PM
subject: COUNTY PRR :: R004696-081523Dear Sunshine Request (www.sunshinerequest.com) Sunshine Request (www.sunshinerequest.com) Sunshine Request (www.sunshinerequest.com):
Thank you for your interest in public records of Jackson County. Your request has been received and is being processed in accordance with the Missouri Sunshine Law. Your request was received in this office on 8/15/2023 and given the reference number R004696-081523 for tracking purposes.
Records Requested: Good Afternoon Gail (Assessment Department), or Jackson County Records Officer, Jeph BurroughsScanlon said I had to resubmit this request (I already emailed you earlier today) using the link he provided to your request form. So, that’s what I’m doing now. I’d like to make a public records request for information that may be available in your office. If you’re not the appropriate party to contact about the request, please provide the correct name and email address of whom I should send it to. Please confirm receipt to let me know the request will begin processing, and if possible, please provide a rough estimate of when the request may be completed. I will plan on following up again soon if I have not heard back before then. Here are the details of the request: SUBJECT: (August 2023) Request for Jackson County, MO Assessment Dept: All records and evidence used in determining the assessed values of two real property parcels. 01/01/2019 through 08/14/2023. MESSAGE: “Good Afternoon Gail (Assessment Department), or Jackson County Records Officer, Please reply promptly to the following public records request, which is being made in accordance with the Missouri Sunshine Law. ** I’m simply requesting an electronic copy of an electronic record, if one exists. I am NOT asking to come in person to inspect, nor to obtain a printed copy of, these electronic records. I’m requesting explicitly that any responsive info be provided to me via an electronic medium / format (in which the copy of these records should already exist). I do not have any further clarifying info I wish to provide to narrow this request. If the request is unclear, or if you are unable to fulfill any or all parts of the request, then please specifically cite where a reason for its denial is justified under any public records laws, statutes, etc. ** Please provide all records and evidence used in determining the assessed values of real property parcels number 33-920-06-13-00-0-00-000 and 33-920-06-01-00-0-00-000. During the specific time period of 01/01/2019 through 08/14/2023 or present day (date the query is performed). —————— ** Please note that by submitting this request, I’m NOT agreeing to pay any potential fees or associated costs related to my request. If it isn’t possible to process the request without incurring fees, then please let me know the itemized potential cost and explanations for those charges upfront, and DO NOT proceed until I respond. I do not believe I’m required to provide a name or address to associate with a public records request, but in order to move things along I’d like to clarify that this request is being made by: Sunshine Request PO Box 17391 Asheville, NC 28816 The request has been sent solely from the email address [email protected] . If anyone other than that email address contacts you to pursue a similar request, it did not come from me or my Team. Please do not commingle or treat that as an alteration or cancellation of my request – I intend to continue to pursue my request. Thank you for your assistance!” ** Sunshine Request (www.sunshinerequest.com) makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.
Your request will be forwarded to the relevant department(s) to locate the information you seek and to determine the volume and any costs associated with satisfying your request. You will be contacted about the availability and/or provided with copies of the records in question. PLEASE NOTE: Missouri Sunshine Law does not require a governmental body to create new information, to do legal research, or to answer questions.
You can monitor the progress of your request at the link below and you’ll receive an email when your request has been completed. Again, thank you for using the Public Records Center.
Jackson County
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Public Records Center
Status: Response Received from Government -
August 15, 2023 5:30 pm
1 year ago
Editor’s Note: Auto-response received on August 15, 2023 at 5:30PM EST:
Public Record Request Form
Reference No: R004696-081523
Contact E-Mail: [email protected]
Thank you for your interest in public records of Jackson County. Your request has been received and is being processed in accordance with Missouri Sunshine Law. Your request was received in this office on 8/15/2023 and given the reference number R004696-081523 for tracking purposes.
Your request will be forwarded to the relevant department(s) to locate the information you seek and to determine the volume and any costs associated with satisfying your request. You will be contacted about the availability and/or provided with copies of the records in question. PLEASE NOTE: The Missouri Sunshine Law does not require a governmental body to create new information, to do legal research, or to answer questions.
You can monitor the progress of your request in “My Request Center”
Editor’s Note: We submitted the following via the request form referenced by Jeph. On August 15, 2023 at 5:30PM EST:
Good Afternoon Gail (Assessment Department), or Jackson County Records Officer,
Jeph BurroughsScanlon said I had to resubmit this request (I already emailed you earlier today) using the link he provided to your request form. So, that’s what I’m doing now.
I’d like to make a public records request for information that may be available in your office. If you’re not the appropriate party to contact about the request, please provide the correct name and email address of whom I should send it to.
Please confirm receipt to let me know the request will begin processing, and if possible, please provide a rough estimate of when the request may be completed. I will plan on following up again soon if I have not heard back before then.
Here are the details of the request:
(August 2023) Request for Jackson County, MO Assessment Dept: All records and evidence used in determining the assessed values of two real property parcels. 01/01/2019 through 08/14/2023.
“Good Afternoon Gail (Assessment Department), or Jackson County Records Officer,
Please reply promptly to the following public records request, which is being made in accordance with the Missouri Sunshine Law.
** I’m simply requesting an electronic copy of an electronic record, if one exists. I am NOT asking to come in person to inspect, nor to obtain a printed copy of, these electronic records. I’m requesting explicitly that any responsive info be provided to me via an electronic medium / format (in which the copy of these records should already exist).
I do not have any further clarifying info I wish to provide to narrow this request. If the request is unclear, or if you are unable to fulfill any or all parts of the request, then please specifically cite where a reason for its denial is justified under any public records laws, statutes, etc. **
Please provide all records and evidence used in determining the assessed values of real property parcels number 33-920-06-13-00-0-00-000 and 33-920-06-01-00-0-00-000. During the specific time period of 01/01/2019 through 08/14/2023 or present day (date the query is performed).
** Please note that by submitting this request, I’m NOT agreeing to pay any potential fees or associated costs related to my request. If it isn’t possible to process the request without incurring fees, then please let me know the itemized potential cost and explanations for those charges upfront, and DO NOT proceed until I respond.
I do not believe I’m required to provide a name or address to associate with a public records request, but in order to move things along I’d like to clarify that this request is being made by:
Sunshine Request
PO Box 17391
Asheville, NC 28816
The request has been sent solely from the email address [email protected] . If anyone other than that email address contacts you to pursue a similar request, it did not come from me or my Team. Please do not commingle or treat that as an alteration or cancellation of my request – I intend to continue to pursue my request.
Thank you for your assistance!”
** Sunshine Request (www.sunshinerequest.com) makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.
Status: Sent to Government -
August 15, 2023 4:58 pm
1 year ago
from: Jeph BurroughsScanlon <[email protected]>
to: “[email protected]” <[email protected]>
date: Aug 15, 2023, 4:58 PM
subject: RE: EXTERNAL Records Request: (August 2023) Request for Jackson County, MO Assessment Dept: All records and evidence used in determining the assessed values of two real property parcels. 01/01/2019 through 08/14/2023.Thank you for your request.
All requests are now to be submitted through the open records request portal only on Jackson County’s website at:
If you have already entered your request at this link, you do not need to do anything further. All information pertaining to this specific request will be sent and received through this system.
I receive an automatic email every time someone enters a request into this system. There is no need to email me directly, nor to mail any paper to me. It only creates more to respond to and decreases the time available to respond to the formal requests that are sent in through the GovQA system. This slows down the entire system and process for all requesters.
Thank you,
Jeph BurroughsScanlon
Deputy Director of Assessment
Jackson County, Missouri
415 East 12th Street, 1st Floor Mezzanine (1M)
Kansas City, Missouri 64106
Assessment Switchboard: 816-881-3239
Direct Office Line: 816-881-3256
Mobile: 816-200-3413
Facsimile: 816-881-1388
From: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2023 2:52 PM
To: Assessment <[email protected]>
Cc: tpa ASMT <[email protected]>; BPAsmt <[email protected]>; Marshanna C. Smith <[email protected]>
Subject: EXTERNAL Records Request: (August 2023) Request for Jackson County, MO Assessment Dept: All records and evidence used in determining the assessed values of two real property parcels. 01/01/2019 through 08/14/2023.WARNING: This email originated outside of Jackson County.
DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.Good Afternoon Gail (Assessment Department), or Jackson County Records Officer,
I’d like to make a public records request for information that may be available in your office.
If you’re not the appropriate party to contact about the request, please provide the correct name and email address of whom I should send it to.
Please confirm receipt to let me know the request will begin processing, and if possible, please provide a rough estimate of when the request may be completed. I will plan on following up again soon if I have not heard back before then.
Here are the details of the request:
Subject: (August 2023) Request for Jackson County, MO Assessment Dept: All records and evidence used in determining the assessed values of two real property parcels. 01/01/2019 through 08/14/2023.
Message: “Good Afternoon Gail (Assessment Department), or Jackson County Records Officer,
Please reply promptly to the following public records request, which is being made in accordance with the Missouri Sunshine Law.
** I’m simply requesting an electronic copy of an electronic record, if one exists. I am NOT asking to come in person to inspect, nor to obtain a printed copy of, these electronic records. I’m requesting explicitly that any responsive info be provided to me via an electronic medium / format (in which the copy of these records should already exist).
I do not have any further clarifying info I wish to provide to narrow this request. If the request is unclear, or if you are unable to fulfill any or all parts of the request, then please specifically cite where a reason for its denial is justified under any public records laws, statutes, etc. **
Please provide all records and evidence used in determining the assessed values of real property parcels number 33-920-06-13-00-0-00-000 and 33-920-06-01-00-0-00-000. During the specific time period of 01/01/2019 through 08/14/2023 or present day (date the query is performed).
** Please note that by submitting this request, I’m NOT agreeing to pay any potential fees or associated costs related to my request. If it isn’t possible to process the request without incurring fees, then please let me know the itemized potential cost and explanations for those charges upfront, and DO NOT proceed until I respond.
I do not believe I’m required to provide a name or address to associate with a public records request, but in order to move things along I’d like to clarify that this request is being made by:
Sunshine Request
PO Box 17391
Asheville, NC 28816
The request has been sent solely from the email address [email protected] . If anyone other than that email address contacts you to pursue a similar request, it did not come from me or my Team. Please do not commingle or treat that as an alteration or cancellation of my request – I intend to continue to pursue my request.
Thank you for your assistance!”
Thank you!
** Sunshine Request (www.sunshinerequest.com) makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.
Status: Response Received from Government -
August 15, 2023 3:52 pm
1 year ago
from: Assessment Customer Service <[email protected]> via jacksonmo.onmicrosoft.com
to: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
date: Aug 15, 2023, 3:52 PM
subject: Automatic reply: EXTERNAL Records Request: (August 2023) Request for Jackson County, MO Assessment Dept: All records and evidence used in determining the assessed values of two real property parcels. 01/01/2019 through 08/14/2023.This is an automatic reply. Thank you for contacting the Jackson County Assessment Customer Service Department.
Your email has been received and will be answered in the order in which it is received. If you should have any further questions, please contact our Customer Service Department at 816-881-3530 or for additional information can be found on our website: Jacksongov.org. Thank you.
Looking for a seasonal job?
Jackson County Assessment Department has seasonal jobs available starting at $17.58 an hour.
Go to https://www.jacksongov.org/Jobs and apply today.
from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
to: [email protected]
cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
date: Aug 15, 2023, 3:52 PM
subject: Records Request: (August 2023) Request for Jackson County, MO Assessment Dept: All records and evidence used in determining the assessed values of two real property parcels. 01/01/2019 through 08/14/2023.Good Afternoon Gail (Assessment Department), or Jackson County Records Officer,
I’d like to make a public records request for information that may be available in your office.
If you’re not the appropriate party to contact about the request, please provide the correct name and email address of whom I should send it to.
Please confirm receipt to let me know the request will begin processing, and if possible, please provide a rough estimate of when the request may be completed. I will plan on following up again soon if I have not heard back before then.
Here are the details of the request:
Subject: (August 2023) Request for Jackson County, MO Assessment Dept: All records and evidence used in determining the assessed values of two real property parcels. 01/01/2019 through 08/14/2023.
Message: “Good Afternoon Gail (Assessment Department), or Jackson County Records Officer,
Please reply promptly to the following public records request, which is being made in accordance with the Missouri Sunshine Law.
** I’m simply requesting an electronic copy of an electronic record, if one exists. I am NOT asking to come in person to inspect, nor to obtain a printed copy of, these electronic records. I’m requesting explicitly that any responsive info be provided to me via an electronic medium / format (in which the copy of these records should already exist).
I do not have any further clarifying info I wish to provide to narrow this request. If the request is unclear, or if you are unable to fulfill any or all parts of the request, then please specifically cite where a reason for its denial is justified under any public records laws, statutes, etc. **
Please provide all records and evidence used in determining the assessed values of real property parcels number 33-920-06-13-00-0-00-000 and 33-920-06-01-00-0-00-000. During the specific time period of 01/01/2019 through 08/14/2023 or present day (date the query is performed).
——————** Please note that by submitting this request, I’m NOT agreeing to pay any potential fees or associated costs related to my request. If it isn’t possible to process the request without incurring fees, then please let me know the itemized potential cost and explanations for those charges upfront, and DO NOT proceed until I respond.
I do not believe I’m required to provide a name or address to associate with a public records request, but in order to move things along I’d like to clarify that this request is being made by:
Sunshine Request
PO Box 17391
Asheville, NC 28816The request has been sent solely from the email address [email protected] . If anyone other than that email address contacts you to pursue a similar request, it did not come from me or my Team. Please do not commingle or treat that as an alteration or cancellation of my request – I intend to continue to pursue my request.
Thank you for your assistance!”
Thank you!
** Sunshine Request (www.sunshinerequest.com) makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.
Status: Sent to Government -
August 11, 2023 6:15 pm
1 year ago
Submitted to Sunshine Request
Status: Pending