Editor’s Note: Sunshine Request makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.
Other (indicate in message) Submitted: March 5, 2021 | Updated: April 22, 2021
(March 2021) Request for NC Department of Public Instruction, School Nutrition and District Operations Division Staff Salaries and stipends as of 02/25/21
Hello NC DPI (or School Nutrition Services),
I'd like to make a public records request for the following information under NC Public Records Law. If you are not the custodian of these records, please let me know to which entity (and website / email address) is most appropriate to submit my request:
Please provide all salaries and stipends for zone consultants (Operations and Management Consultants and Nutrition Specialists), along with division management and director salaries and stipends, as of 02/25/21 (or the date the query is performed).
Thank you for your assistance!
Status: Completed
April 22, 2021 3:18 pm
3 years ago
from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
to: Public Records <[email protected]>
date: Apr 22, 2021, 3:18 PM
subject: Re: Public Records RequestGood afternoon,
Thank you for your help with this request! I’ve marked it as completed on our site.
Appreciate your assistance.
Status: Completed -
April 19, 2021 5:16 pm
3 years ago
from: Public Records <[email protected]>
to: “[email protected]” <[email protected]>
date: Apr 19, 2021, 5:16 PM
subject: Public Records RequestGood evening,
On March , 2021 you submitted the following public records request:
“Good afternoon NC DPI, I’d like to make a public records request for information that may be available in your office. Please confirm receipt to let me know the request will begin processing, and if possible, please provide a rough estimate of when the request may be completed. I will plan on following up again later this month if I have not heard back before then. Here are the details of the request: Subject: (March 2021) Request for NC Department of Public Instruction, School Nutrition and District Operations Division Staff Salaries and stipends as of 02/25/21 Message: “Hello NC DPI (or School Nutrition Services), https://www.fns.usda.gov/contact/north-carolina-department-public-instruction https://www.dpi.nc.gov/about-dpi/education-directory/department-public-instruction/deputy-superintendent-innovation ——- I’d like to make a public records request for the following information under NC Public Records Law. If you are not the custodian of these records, please let me know to which entity (and website / email address) is most appropriate to submit my request: Please provide all salaries and stipends for zone consultants (Operations and Management Consultants and Nutrition Specialists), along with division management and director salaries and stipends, as of 02/25/21 (or the date the query is performed). Thank you for your assistance!“ ** Sunshine Request makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive. Thank you for your help!”
Please find the attached responsive to your request. Thank you for your patience.
**Editor’s Note: Please see referenced file at top left in documents
Status: Response Received from Government -
April 15, 2021 12:44 pm
3 years ago
from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
to: Corrie Byrd <[email protected]>
date: Apr 15, 2021, 12:44 PM
subject: Re: NC DPI Public Records RequestGood afternoon Corrie,
Checking in on the email I sent 10 days ago with clarification regarding this request. Is there any update to report?
I will plan on following up again at the end of the month if I haven’t heard back by then.
Thank you!
Status: Follow up -
April 5, 2021 3:46 pm
3 years ago
from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
to: Corrie Byrd <[email protected]>
date: Apr 5, 2021, 3:46 PM
subject: Re: NC DPI Public Records RequestHi Corrie,
I apologize for the delay!
I believe you’re referring to the request called “(March 2021) Request for NC Department of Public Instruction, School Nutrition and District Operations Division Staff Salaries and stipends as of 02/25/21”, found here:
To clarify – the request asked for:
“… all salaries and stipends for zone consultants (Operations and Management Consultants and Nutrition Specialists), along with division management and director salaries and stipends, as of 02/25/21 (or the date the query is performed).”
Given the current date, yes – it would be fine to amend the request to say “…as of 04/01/21 (or the date the query is performed).”
Please proceed, and if possible, please give us a general idea of when you anticipate the request may be completed. We will wait to follow up again until the time you specify.
Thanks for your help!
Status: Clarification Provided -
March 22, 2021 9:59 am
3 years ago
from: Corrie Byrd <[email protected]>
to: “[email protected]” <[email protected]>
date: Mar 22, 2021, 9:59 AM
subject: NC DPI Public Records RequestGood morning,
I had a question in regard to your public records request submitted on March 9, 2021. The salaries for the employees you requested information for will be updated on April 1st. Would you like to wait until April 1st to get complete and current data, or would you like us to proceed with the data we have now? Let me know. Thanks!
Corrie Byrd
Communications Assistant
NC Department of Public Instruction
Visit us on the web at https://dpi.nc.gov . All e-mail correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.
Status: Clarification Requested -
March 17, 2021 1:51 pm
3 years ago
**3/17/21 Editor’s Note: This follow up was sent in via an online form on NC DPI’s site. We will post any replies we receive here. Thank you for using Sunshine Request!
Good afternoon NC DPI,
I’m following up on this public records request sent on 3/9/21.
Please confirm that the request has been received on your end, and if / when it will begin being processed. Please provide a timeline or rough estimate as to when the request will be completed, and I will follow up around the time you specify.
In any case, I’ll plan to follow up again in early April if I have not heard back before then.
Thank you for your assistance!
Status: Follow up -
March 9, 2021 2:00 pm
3 years ago
**3/9/21 Editor’s Note: This request was sent in via an online form on NC DPI’s site. We will post any replies we receive here. Thank you for using Sunshine Request!
Good afternoon NC DPI,
I’d like to make a public records request for information that may be available in your office.
Please confirm receipt to let me know the request will begin processing, and if possible, please provide a rough estimate of when the request may be completed. I will plan on following up again later this month if I have not heard back before then.
Here are the details of the request:
Subject: (March 2021) Request for NC Department of Public Instruction, School Nutrition and District Operations Division Staff Salaries and stipends as of 02/25/21
Message: “Hello NC DPI (or School Nutrition Services),
——-I’d like to make a public records request for the following information under NC Public Records Law. If you are not the custodian of these records, please let me know to which entity (and website / email address) is most appropriate to submit my request:
Please provide all salaries and stipends for zone consultants (Operations and Management Consultants and Nutrition Specialists), along with division management and director salaries and stipends, as of 02/25/21 (or the date the query is performed).
Thank you for your assistance!“
** Sunshine Request makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.
Thank you for your help!
Status: Sent to Government -
March 5, 2021 5:10 pm
3 years ago
Submitted to Sunshine Request
Status: Pending