Other (indicate in message) Submitted: August 10, 2021 | Updated: August 10, 2021

[See Editor’s Note](August 2021) Duplicate submission related to “AVL City Schools Deputy Superintendent salary info”

Original Subject:
AVL City Schools

Original Message:
"I believe that Melissa Hedt was recently named Deputy Superintendent of AVL City Schools. I'd like to know what is her new total salary, as well as what benefits she receives, with totals (including Base, Supplement, Health Insurance, Travel and Mobile)."

Other (indicate in message)

Start Date / End Date:
July 07, 2021 - July 31, 2021

Editor’s Note: Sunshine Request makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.

Editor’s Note 08/10/21: We apologize for the delay in processing and publishing this request on our site. Sunshine Request is a project built and run by a small team at PRC Applications. We run the site in addition to our primary business. While we will always do our best to process and follow up on requests as quickly as possible, there may be occasional delays, depending on our availability in a given week or month.

Please note — The above submission has been marked as “Completed”, as it is a duplication of an April request (currently open and being processed on our site) that asked for Asheville, NC City Schools Deputy Superintendent salary info as of 04/07/21.

Our next Follow Up is scheduled for this week. If we receive clarification from AVL City Schools, we will note any updates on the request, and can proceed from there. If they still have not responded by our next follow up, however, we will mark the request as “Denied”. Should this occur, the sender is welcome to submit a new request via our website at that time.

Thank you for using www.sunshinerequest.com!

Status: Completed


  • August 10, 2021 12:01 pm

    3 years ago

    Submitted to Sunshine Request
    Status: Pending