Buncombe County Submitted: July 22, 2019 | Updated: September 20, 2019

[See Editor’s Note][July 2019] Follow up requests related to Sheriff’s Office Vehicle Maintenance Records

Good afternoon,

In reply to a previous request, Mr Sarver stated:

“the tires on Sheriff’s Office vehicles are swapped out seasonally, so the tires on the Sheriff’s vehicle and all other patrol vehicles will not be the same tires they have during the winter months.”

Would you please make a request of the Buncombe county garage for the maintenance records of all sheriffs office vehicles showing where the tires were “swapped out seasonally”. Records of this tire swap from 2018/2019 Winter to Spring would be sufficient.

Also, Would the Sheriffs Office please explain the necessity/justification of the purchase (over $1000) or aftermarket wheels/tires for Sheriff Miller's newest county vehicle? It appears that question was overlooked in the last response.

Finally, was that purchase (aftermarket wheels/tires) made with drug seizure money or did the taxpayers of Buncombe County fund that purchase?

Thank you!

Editor’s Note: Sunshine Request makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.

Editor’s Note 07/22/19: The referenced response from Aaron Sarver comes from a June 2019 “Request for Buncombe Sheriff Vehicle Assignment / Expenses info”, that asked:

” 1. How many vehicles has Sheriff Miller been assigned or driven regularly since taking office?
2. Please detail the year/model of each vehicle and approximate mileage when issued/returned.
3. What was the cost for the aftermarket wheels and tires that replaced the stock wheels and tires on Sheriff Miller’s current assigned new SUV?
4. Why were new custom wheels/tires needed to replace the stock ones on a brand new vehicle?
5. Please submit any emails and/or text messages between Sheriff Miller and any other person related to the purchase, ordering, or outfitting of any vehicles assigned or previously assigned to Sheriff Miller.”

That request is still “Open”, and we have followed up on the status as of last week. The request can be found here.

* We have another similar request that is also “Open” on our site, and we’ve followed up on the status as of last week: “[July 2019] Additional request for Buncombe Sheriff Vehicle Expenses”:

“… provide copies in a pdf format of any receipts / invoices that exist for the following:

1. Sheriff Miller’s current assigned vehicle
2. Any equipment / upfitting invoices for that vehicle (radio, lights, etc)
3. Aftermarket wheels that were purchased and put on that vehicle”

* In order to avoid causing confusion or duplication of some aspects of both the original requests, we are going to hold off sending the above request for additional clarification, and wait until after we receive our next response from Aaron, hopefully “Completing” the original requests.

At that time, if any of the additional info. requested above has not been addressed, we will send in the requested clarification as described above.

Thank you for using www.sunshinerequest.com!

Status: Completed


  • September 20, 2019 3:19 pm

    5 years ago

    Editor’s Note 09/20/19: The above request has been marked as “Completed”, and has now been merged with the original referenced request (now reopened) called “Request for Buncombe Sheriff Vehicle Assignment / Expenses info”  at https://www.sunshinerequest.com/records_request/request-for-buncombe-sheriff-vehicle-assignment-expenses-info/.


    For all status updates, please keep track of the original request here.

    Thank you for using Sunshine Request!

    Status: Completed
  • July 22, 2019 3:34 pm

    5 years ago

    Submitted to Sunshine Request
    Status: Pending