Other (indicate in message) Submitted: November 7, 2023 | Updated: December 6, 2023

(November 2023) Request for Transylvania County, NC Schools: Current employment contract for Dr. Lisa Fletcher, Superintendent. As of the present day.

Good Afternoon Jen and Dr. Fletcher,

Please reply promptly to the following public records request.

I am a real person, and I am submitting a valid public records request to you under NC Public Records Law NCGS 132. There is no provision of this law that requires an individual to provide a name, address, explanation, or a purpose, in order to make a public records request. https://www.ncleg.net/enactedlegislation/statutes/html/bychapter/chapter_132.html

That being said, if it helps speed along the request without delay, I’m happy to provide a name and address –– You can consider that this request has been made by Patrick Conant, the director of Sunshine Request. Address is PO Box 17391, Asheville NC, 28816. Email: [email protected] . Having provided you with this information you should now proceed to fulfill my request.

** I’m simply requesting an electronic copy of an electronic record, if one exists. I am NOT asking for the opportunity to come in person to inspect, nor to obtain a printed copy of, this electronic record. I’m requesting explicitly that any responsive info be provided to me via the electronic medium / electronic format (in which the copy of this record already exists). If you are unable to fulfill the request, please specifically cite where a reason for its denial is justified under NC Public Records Law. **

Please provide the electronic copy of the current Transylvania County Schools Superintendent’s (Dr. Lisa Fletcher’s) employment contract. As of the present day [on the date the query is performed]. If this info is already publicly available online, please provide a link to where it can be accessed.

I will follow up again in 1 week, if I do not hear back before then.

Thank you for your assistance!

Editor’s Note: Sunshine Request makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.

Status: Follow up


  • December 6, 2023 1:45 pm

    9 months ago

    12/06/23. Editor’s Note to Sender:
    Patrick Conant is the Director of Sunshine Request. He called Brian today at 1:45pm and left a voicemail. Patrick indicated that we submitted two public records requests to Transylvania County Schools, and that he understands Brian has exchanged several emails with members of our Team about those requests. And that, at this point we thought it would be easiest if Patrick just calls Brian to discuss how to get the requests fulfilled. Patrick left his number, and asked Brian to call him back.


    If we do not hear back from Brian or TCS this week, then Patrick will follow up with Brian’s office in the coming 1 – 2 weeks (as soon as his availability allows). Any updates we receive from Brian or TCS about either request, will be posted on our website:



    Status: Follow up
  • November 16, 2023 1:19 pm

    9 months ago

    11/16/23. Editor’s Note to Sender: As soon as his availability allows, the Director of Sunshine Request plans to call Brian’s office in the next couple of weeks to discuss his responses to our November request above (as well as another request we submitted to TCS in August: (August 2023) Multi-part request for Transylvania County, NC Board of Education: Info about possible closed meeting related to 07/24/23 Board appointment. And, specific emails and texts sent from Board Members, 04/01/23 – 07/24/23. )

    Any updates we send to or receive from Brian or TCS about either request, will be posted on our website.

    Status: Follow up
  • November 14, 2023 9:42 am

    9 months ago

    from: Brian Weaver <[email protected]>
    to: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    cc: Lisa Fletcher <[email protected]>
    date: Nov 14, 2023, 9:42 AM
    subject: Subject: Re: Public records request. (November 2023) Request for Transylvania County, NC Schools: Current employment contract for Dr. Lisa Fletcher, Superintendent. As of the present day.


    Good morning,


    Thank you for your correspondence on this request. TCS is not denying your public records request. An electronic version of this document does not exist. A paper copy of the requested public record is available for you to obtain at the Board’s central office. There is no requirement under the NC public records law that a records custodian deliver public records to requesters electronically.


    Kind regards,


    Brian Weaver, Ed.D.
    Assistant Superintendent
    Transylvania County Schools
    Phone: 828.884.6173

    Status: Clarification Provided
  • November 8, 2023 3:02 pm

    9 months ago

    from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    to: Brian Weaver <[email protected]>
    cc: Lisa Fletcher <[email protected]>, Chris Campbell <[email protected]>, Paula Lovitt <[email protected]>
    date: Nov 8, 2023, 3:02 PM
    subject: Re: Public records request. (November 2023) Request for Transylvania County, NC Schools: Current employment contract for Dr. Lisa Fletcher, Superintendent. As of the present day.


    Hi Brian,


    Regarding the following public request, which I made to TCS yesterday:


    from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    to: Jennifer Heatherly <[email protected]>
    cc: [email protected], Jenny Hunter <[email protected]>, [email protected]
    date: Nov 7, 2023, 2:49 PM
    subject: Public records request. (November 2023) Request for Transylvania County, NC Schools: Current employment contract for Dr. Lisa Fletcher, Superintendent. As of the present day.


    I really must insist that you be more clear about what it is you’re trying to say here. To this point — you seem to just be implying I’m not an “individual”, and so my request isn’t valid, and also that I must come in person to “inspect” this very simple public record. Do I understand that correctly?


    I am confirming to you that this is MY records request, and that I am the “individual” making this request (submitted to Jen and Dr. Fletcher). And, I have provided them with my contact information — which I am not even legally required to do.


    I also do not need to request to inspect and copy public records which are already available to you in a digital format. I am asking, again, that you or Dr. Fletcher (who is also a custodian of this record) provides me with the electronic copy of that public record, via email. It must be provided to me electronically if it is already available to you in that format. The Law is clear that I can make requests to you in this manner, and that you cannot force a requester to come to your offices in person to inspect a record, simply because you’d just prefer to provide them in some other way — creating a barrier to access.


    Please proceed to fulfill my request without further delay. And please, do not just repeat the same message to me over and over again.


    If you are unwilling to fulfill my request in accordance with NC Public Records Law, then please state this explicitly, and please cite where specifically NC Law justifies your denial of the requested information.


    Thank you.

    Status: Clarification Requested
  • November 8, 2023 2:45 pm

    9 months ago

    from: Brian Weaver <[email protected]>
    to: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    cc: Lisa Fletcher <[email protected]>
    date: Nov 8, 2023, 2:45 PM
    subject: Public records request. (November 2023) Request for Transylvania County, NC Schools: Current employment contract for Dr. Lisa Fletcher, Superintendent. As of the present day.


    Dear Sunshine Request,


    Per the N.C. Public Records Law, individuals can request to inspect and copy public records. Therefore, the Board of Education is happy to comply with such requests. Please just coordinate with me for a date/time to inspect and copy the public records.


    Kind regards, Brian


    I am a real person, and I am submitting a valid public records request to you under NC Public Records Law NCGS 132. There is no provision of this law that requires an individual to provide a name, address, explanation, or a purpose, in order to make a public records request. https://www.ncleg.net/enactedlegislation/statutes/html/bychapter/chapter_132.html


    That being said, if it helps speed along the request without delay, I’m happy to provide a name and address –– You can consider that this request has been made by Patrick Conant, the director of Sunshine Request. Address is PO Box 17391, Asheville NC, 28816. Email: [email protected] . Having provided you with this information you should now proceed to fulfill my request.


    ** I’m simply requesting an electronic copy of an electronic record, if one exists. I am NOT asking for the opportunity to come in person to inspect, nor to obtain a printed copy of, this electronic record. I’m requesting explicitly that any responsive info be provided to me via the electronic medium / electronic format (in which the copy of this record already exists). If you are unable to fulfill the request, please specifically cite where a reason for its denial is justified under NC Public Records Law. **


    Please provide the electronic copy of the current Transylvania County Schools Superintendent’s (Dr. Lisa Fletcher’s) employment contract. As of the present day [on the date the query is performed]. If this info is already publicly available online, please provide a link to where it can be accessed.


    I will follow up again in 1 week, if I do not hear back before then.


    Thank you for your assistance!


    Brian Weaver, Ed.D.
    Assistant Superintendent
    Transylvania County Schools
    Phone: 828.884.6173

    Status: Response Received from Government
  • November 7, 2023 2:49 pm

    10 months ago

    from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    to: Jennifer Heatherly <[email protected]>
    cc: [email protected], Jenny Hunter <[email protected]>, [email protected]
    date: Nov 7, 2023, 2:49 PM
    subject: Public records request. (November 2023) Request for Transylvania County, NC Schools: Current employment contract for Dr. Lisa Fletcher, Superintendent. As of the present day.


    Good Afternoon Jen and Dr. Fletcher,


    Please reply promptly to the following public records request.


    I am a real person, and I am submitting a valid public records request to you under NC Public Records Law NCGS 132. There is no provision of this law that requires an individual to provide a name, address, explanation, or a purpose, in order to make a public records request. https://www.ncleg.net/enactedlegislation/statutes/html/bychapter/chapter_132.html


    That being said, if it helps speed along the request without delay, I’m happy to provide a name and address –– You can consider that this request has been made by Patrick Conant, the director of Sunshine Request. Address is PO Box 17391, Asheville NC, 28816. Email: [email protected] . Having provided you with this information you should now proceed to fulfill my request.


    ** I’m simply requesting an electronic copy of an electronic record, if one exists. I am NOT asking for the opportunity to come in person to inspect, nor to obtain a printed copy of, this electronic record. I’m requesting explicitly that any responsive info be provided to me via the electronic medium / electronic format (in which the copy of this record already exists). If you are unable to fulfill the request, please specifically cite where a reason for its denial is justified under NC Public Records Law. **


    Please provide the electronic copy of the current Transylvania County Schools Superintendent’s (Dr. Lisa Fletcher’s) employment contract. As of the present day [on the date the query is performed]. If this info is already publicly available online, please provide a link to where it can be accessed.


    I will follow up again in 1 week, if I do not hear back before then.


    Thank you for your assistance!

    Status: Sent to Government
  • November 7, 2023 2:44 pm

    10 months ago

    Submitted to Sunshine Request
    Status: Pending