from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
to: Kerri Glover <[email protected]>
date: Jul 26, 2019, 4:18 PM
subject: Re: Record Request: [July 2019] Request for Succession Planning – AB Tech
Hi Kerri,
Apologies for the delay getting back to you. Thank you for taking time to speak with us on 07/17, and thank you for the additional information you’ve provided above!
Related to the above request ([July 2019] Request for Succession Planning – AB Tech) you indicated that:
“All of the information that will be made public pertaining to the presidential search is on our website at It is a confidential search process conducted by our attorneys that is not discussed via email.”
To clarify – In addition to emails, the sender also requested “text messages and meeting minutes”. Our assumption here is that your response is meant to cover that portion of the request as well, and also to indicate that the request in its entirety has now been answered, and should be marked as “Complete” on our site. If that assumption is incorrect, please let us know. However, we will now mark the above request as “Completed”. Thank you!
Separately, in response to the other 6 requests on our site, you indicated that:
“Also, the requests pertaining to the board vacancy dealt with the vacancy created by Mr. Murdock’s resignation and we have previously fulfilled comprehensive public records requests in that matter, which was widely reported by and the Asheville Citizen-Times.”
To clarify – As we are not affiliated with ACT or CNN and we also do not know who submits requests on our site, we cannot speak to whether any responses you have provided related to AB-Tech that were possibly made outside of our site fully satisfy the info being requested through users on our website. Unless requests are sent directly from our team at Sunshine Request ([email protected]) they should not be considered as an official request by
We reviewed the 6 other “Open” requests on our site related to “AB-Tech”. For your reference, those are:
A-B Tech Emails Jan – March 2019
A-B Tech BOT Minutes Request 01/01/17-05/31/19
A-B Tech ELT Minutes Request 01/01/17-05/31/19
Sunshine Law Records Request – AB Tech
Request for A-B Tech President’s reports to BOT (01/01/2017 to 06/11/2019
Request for A-B Tech Emails related to Title VII
As they are written, it is not clearly indicated by the senders that any of the requests are specifically for info. about Mr. Murdock in particular, or his apparent resignation. Therefore, at this time, the 6 requests will be left as “Open” until you are able to provide additional clarification or response to each request. We understand that this may take some time.
However, if you determine that any (or all) of the requests have been fulfilled and if there are links to info you feel show that the requests have somehow been fulfilled, please let us know and we will be happy to share on our site and “Complete” the requests.
If you would like to respond to the 6 requests, we ask that you please do so individually, on each request’s email thread where we have been following up. This is helpful to us to be able to keep the requests and their corresponding status organized.
We really appreciate your time and assistance with the requests.
Have a great afternoon!
Sunshine Request
Clarification Requested